Meeting Austin... in the toilets?!

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Long Austin Mahone Imagine, ~enjoy~


You were running away from this boy who liked you because you didn't like him. You didn't even know where you were going so you just went to hide in the toilets & slam the doors shut and turn around. There was a shocked boy standing there pulling up his zipper & you scream.

'What the hell do you thing you're doing in the girls toilet?!' You shout at the boy. 

'Ummm...this is the boys toilet.' He replies with a smirk. You freeze. Shit. 'Ummm...I'm just gonna go, pretend this never happened.' You say as you open the door. 

'Okay, whatever you say.' The boy said with a grin.

'Wait.' He says as you're just about to leave the toilets.

'What?' you say. 

'Help me pull my zipper up its stuck.' 

Your mouth forms into a giant 'O'.

'What the hell?!' you shout. The boy just starts laughing. 'You've already seen it anyway.' Says the boy smiling.

'No I didn't.' you reply.

'Well I know you want to.' He replies winking.

'I can't believe were having this conversation, I don't even know you.' you say. 

'I'm Austin.' You just stare at him. 

He was kinda cute.

'Are you done checking me out yet? I know I'm hot but seriously in the toilets. Desperate much?' He says and wiggles his eyebrows.

Your cheeks go red. 'I was not checking you out.' 'And you're the one who told me to stay in here!' you say slightly annoyed. You open the door once more and step out but Austin quickly pulls you back inside

you scream again! 

'What's wrong?' Austin asks still holding onto your arm.

'You touched me! You fucking touched me!' You say panicking.

'So?' He asked. 

'You touched me when you touched your...thing with your hands.'

'What thing?' He asks confused.

'Your thing!' You reply. Austin just stars at you blankly. 

'You know'

'Ohhh that thing.' Austin smirked. 'You mean my beast?;)'

You quickly run to the sink and scrub your arm, Austin also washing his hands. 'So what's your name?' He asks.

'[YN].' You reply. You walk out the toilets and Austin follows.

'Why are you following me?' You ask turning around.

You guys had been walking for the past 5 minutes and was standing in the middle of a park.

'Because I want your pussy.' He says.

'What?!' You exclaim!

'Joke, joke, jeez calm your tits woman.' 

You just roll your eyes.

'Then why are you following me?'

'Because I like you.' He says, a small smile spreading across his face. 

'What?' You ask turning around. 

'I like you.' He says again with a smile.

'Why?' You ask before she could yourself.

'Because you're funny, and I like a girl that can make me laugh.' he says, smiling.

'Oh' was all that you could say.

'Soo, where ya head?' asks Austin.

'Oh I was just goi-' you're cut off by Austins lips crashing down onto yours. He picks you up so that your legs are wrapped around his waist and sat on a swing.

You brake apart and look around. Little kids from around the park stopped and were staring at you guys, their parents giving the two of you disapproving looks. Austin just stuck his tongue out at everyone and started to kiss you again, the two of you forgetting the world around them.

He then takes you home and both of you did very explicit things that I can't explain ok?ok.

:o bit dirty ehh? But if you enjoyed, please vote & comment if you want the next one! :D

my friend gave me the idea for this one, so here's the credit :)

Austin Mahone Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now