Season 1: 3# Memory Book

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Author's Note

Because Brad and Connor are off-duty, I'll refer to them by their first names. Instead of their titles and last names like Dr. Simpson or Dr. Ball. However, due to another character named Connor, I'll refer Dr. Ball as Connor B. Also, I added a few references to the SMP, but due to The Darkest Awakening being an alternate timeline, the entire plot is loosely based on the Dream SMP. I can't just make it entirely based on it because The Darkest Awakening is a different story.

Brad's POV

So, now I'm here with the current Zodiac heroes where there are many kinds of people. Not just being dragon spirits but also many other species of spirits. There are even a few dark spirits joining us which is one of the most historical moments of Zodiac history. This is the first ever team to have more than one dark spirit. Anyways, back to Zach.

Zach's POV

I grabbed a few notebooks for Ranboo from my shelf and brought them downstairs and gave them to him. Just to take down notes so that he won't forget what had happened minutes ago. Like how I'd write notes about mysteries and lessons or just write it like a diary.

Zach: Here are some notebooks, so that you could take note of what happened minutes ago.

Ranboo: Thanks Zach.

Zach: You're welcome.

Tommy: It's clear that you guys would make good friends.

Toby: Yeah.

Brad: Zach, I'm actually really proud of you. For choosing the right members for the team.

Zach: Thanks for saying that, Brad.

Ranboo: Brad?

Zach: Yeah, he's a doctor.

Ranboo: I thought he's still a student.

Brad: Nope, I'm currently a doctor. Married to my wonderful Scottish husband, Connor.

Connor B: That's right.

Nick: That's amazing.

Jenna: I think we've forgotten about Tommy's duel tonight.

Brad: Tonight? I have more patients at night.

Tommy: I dunno how to do the duel, I might pass out.

Brad: Pass out from what?

Tommy: Dizziness during the night I guess.

Wilbur: You don't have to lie to Brad, just tell him why you pass out.

Niki: Wilbur, if he's not confident about his condition, you don't have to force him.

Cara: What she said.

Wilbur: But Brad's a doctor.

Cara: I know, but if he doesn't want to then he doesn't want to. I think he just has to be careful.

Brad: Well, Connor and I have to head back to the hospital. We have to do our shifts and Tommy needs to prepare for the duel tonight.

Zach: Alright, see you around, Brad.

Brad and Connor left the dorms to head to the hospital to do their shifts. Tubbo, Tommy and I decided to have a private conversation in their room with me for a bit. Before we have to go to the cafeteria to eat dinner.

Tommy: I dunno how will I do the duel.

Zach: Just try your best, use your powers and if you can, go into your spiritual state.

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