New Shoes

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"Happy one month, Rims!"

Half Rim's expression is blank as always as Headphones hands them a rectangular shoe box that's yet to be opened, the words of the brand Splash Mob printed neatly on top of the otherwise plain white box. Rims straightens their sitting posture on the couch and blinks a few times as they process their girlfriend's words as well as the gift she had just given them.

"Ah...has it already been that long?"

Granted, a whole 30 days isn't a lot in the long run of things, but considering it was Headphones' first relationship and Rims' longest one so far, it seemed noteworthy enough to warrant some form of celebration.

"I-I know one month seems like too small of a milestone to celebrate, but I thought it'd be nice to give you a surprise gift anyways."

Her hands are clasped together behind her back, and her face is turned to the side, red eyes flickering back and forth between the floor and his face, with pale cheeks heating up with every second that passes. Her tentacles also sway with the slightest of body movements, the blue to green gradient on their tips making Rims think of her as absolutely adorable.

They trace the top of the shoe box, getting a feel for the smooth yet firm texture of cardboard before carefully hooking their fingers on the sides of the top and lifting it up. They knew the shoes would be from Splash Mob—it'd be odd if they weren't, yet they weren't completely expecting them to be the same model as the ones they usually wear. The shoes were moccasins, just like the ones that they had neatly placed in the shoe rack right next to the entrance. The main difference lay in the color scheme, with the jet black material of the new shoes providing a remarkable contrast between the bright orange of the spiked soles and laces.

Even just from appearance alone, they can tell they're more expensive, and much higher quality than any other shoes they've owned before. They almost ask aloud how much it cost her before Headphones starts talking again.

"J-Just tell me if they don't fit, alright? We can get them replaced for a different size if we need to."

They take the pair out of the box and start to put them on without a word, gingerly sliding their feet into place and wiggling them around once both shoes are on. It's a perfect fit, and they briefly wonder if she had known their old shoes were getting too small for them and gotten a size bigger than it to compensate, or it was simply intuition.

"They're perfect." Rims speaks clearly, and it makes her perk up with a joyed expression.

"That's great! I was pretty worried that it wouldn't fit or you wouldn't like it..."

"It's a wonderful gift. Thank you."

They look up directly into her eyes and give her the smallest of smiles, which is more than enough to make her smile back fondly.

"Why don't we go out for a walk?" They ask, already standing up from the couch. They're nearly a head taller than her when she's not wearing her hi horses, and it makes them want to chuckle.

"Ah, now?"

"Of course, so that I can adjust to wearing them around."

"I don't mind, I guess."

They offer their hand to her, and she flushes up a bit more before taking it with her own. The contact is warm, and it makes them feel all fuzzy inside in the most welcoming way possible.

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