8 | Coffee or Chocolate?

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Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart,
Baby bang it up inside.
I'm not wearing my usual lipstick,
I thought maybe we would kiss tonight.

A thermo of coffee and a non-spill cup of hot chocolate rested on the wood of the dining table, tempting those sitting at it. The sound of a children's TV channel travelled through the house, the television blaring bright, colourful lights to accompany the show's loud attitude. Whilst Toby was easily amused by such a thing, CJ and (Y/N) were facing something far less entertaining. Ground rules.

As one would baby-proof a house, (Y/N) ran through her simple list of rules and restrictions once again.

"I guess it's simple. Our phone numbers are on the fridge door for emergency reasons, especially if we're 'in danger'. Cass never has her phone on silent, and I mean never. I, however, am guilty. Toby goes to preschool from 9 to 1 on weekdays. All I can really ask is please ask permission before looking through anyone's rooms, and if you do need to leave please lock the door on your way out. Other than that, you pretty much have free roam."

"Good to know. Now, before I go through my standard protocol, do either of you have any questions?"

"Just a quick one," CJ butt in. "Is Captain Fowler's middle name Jake? And is he perhaps ga-"

A swift kick to the shin from (Y/N) shut her up.

"OW! What? I was just curious."

(Y/N) cleared her throat, ignoring Cass. "How long will you be staying for?"

Connor replied. "There's no true estimated time, it depends on the length and severity of the case. But it'll hopefully take less than a year."

She sighed, drumming her nails on the side of the hot chocolate cup she'd now forgotten to give to her son. She had grown restless, her brain rushing with mixed feelings of guilt. Somehow all of this felt like her fault. Connor felt the need to reassure her.

"If it helps, this isn't the only part of the case, Miss (L/N). These reports of hostile attacks have been going on for the past 3 or more months. This is just the first case where someone's been unlucky enough to get caught in it. On the other hand, there's a highly unlikely chance for you to be in danger. That happened in San Francisco, you're now back in Detroit and under our protection. We're doing the best we can to ensure no harm comes to you or your family."

(Y/N) half-smirked nervously. "For a deviant you sure speak formally."

He returned the gesture with his own soft grin. "Just a matter of being a polite houseguest."

"Yawn." CJ butt in. "If you two are done flirting, I'll be on my way to work." CJ took her keys and coffee from the table, a black leather bag slung over her arm. She tucked her chair in, the wooden feet screeching against the kitchen tiles. As she was heading for the door she gave Toby's head a loving scruff, messing up his hair. The child batted her hand away and giggled. CJ gave one last wave before closing the front door behind her.

(Y/N) turned back to Connor, her focus now back on the conversation. Winter light poured into the room, chasing the shadows on the tiling away. She stood up from her seat, making her way towards the kitchen as the sun beams followed her footing.

"Can I get you anything Connor? Hot chocolate, coffee?"

"Coffee would be great, thank you."

She smiled, her hand reaching for the kitchen cabinet above to retrieve some cups. She set the kettle onto the stovetop, turning on the heat as the appliance clicked with power. It was true she had an eye for décor. The counter held several glass jars of treats to add a pop of colour to the dark marble counters. Two white mugs had been sat on the counter side by side. Everything in her kitchen seemed so clean and organised.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now