✿Chapter 2✿

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Kaeya woke up slowly, not aware of his surroundings.
It seemed like he was on a quite uncomfortable bed.
He slowly got up and looked around.
Snow was everywhere, and a small fire was right next to him.
He thought to himself, "I don't recognize this place, strange.."

A quiet call out for Kaeya made him turn around.
"Kaeya? A-are you awake?"
A small mint haired girl came walking towards Kaeya.
"Sucrose? What are you doing here?" Kaeya questioned.
"Well... Albedo reported to me that you fell asleep due to a test in his base... He still had work to do so he asked me to bring you to Mondstadt..." Sucrose nervously said, "But on my way there I got confused and e-ended up lost.."
"How about we find our way there together? I'm sure we can find Mondstadt soon enough, though Dragonspine sure is a big area," Kaeya replied with.
"Y-yeah, I think we can do it."

After a long walk, there was no sight of an exit nor entrance, just snow.
"Kaeya, a-are you sure we can find Mondstadt soon enough?" Sucrose questioned while shivering due to the cold.
"I'm sure of it. The cold wont last longer anyways."

It lasted for awhile.

After hours of walking, they finally found a spot to pause and warm up by a portable heater Sucrose made back in Mondstadt.
"Wow. This is taking awhile," Kaeya stated.

A snow storm started to form surprisingly quick.
The heater couldn't do so much due to how it was still being worked on.
The cold got more intense, and the wind made it worse.
The snow eventually was so extreme that it was hard to see.

Shortly, 2 shadows appeared in the distance.
One very short one, and one medium sized shadow.

The figures soon enough came into view and it appeared to be two blondes.
"A-Albedo! Klee!" Sucrose yelled, relieved that they got saved.
"Yay we found them! Mission accomplished! Hehe!" Klee said in a proud tone.
Albedo and Klee guided the two towards Mondstadt.
"How did you know we were lost?" Kaeya asked Albedo.
"Knowing how Sucrose can make a lot of mistakes, I just assumed you guys would be lost. You Kaeya, can also be extremely bold, then fail to do whatever comes out of your mouth 25% of the time." Albedo said, with a slight relieved face.
Kaeya slightly grinned. "Haha, I take that as a complement."

I'm sorry that I can't post much chapters, I've never been so confused and stressed on how to write romantic fanfics like these.
But I will try to post a lot today, because tomorrow I have school and a book report is due on Friday..

Hello En child

 ✿Ice Cold Chalk✿Kaeya x Albedo✿ /Genshin Impact <3Where stories live. Discover now