Chapter 9 - Ghosts

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Dahyun POV

Brown hair that's cascading over her shoulder, her refined sharp features and whole appearance that screams elegance and beauty.

And her eyes

Those beautiful brown eyes that's staring right into mine.

All I can say is that I've never seen anyone who's as good-looking as Sana.

For me, she is the definition of perfection.

This is the first time that I got to see her so close aside from the time that I get to look at her inside the classroom. Her features are so attractive and charming.

She's so breathtaking. I thought as my gaze went down to her soft plump lips before my eyes fluttered back to her gorgeous brown orbs again.

The both of us seemed to be lost in our own world as no one dared to break eye contact.


I forced myself to break it.

I'm just a mere admirer while she's a famous heir of their family.

I cleared my throat and tried to calm down my racing heart as we looked away from each other. We were then surrounded by silence before she broke it.

"So Dahyun..." I looked at Sana beside me who pursed her lips before speaking.

"...Would you mind telling about yourself?" she asked as I looked away from her and fixed the jacket that's warming us.

"I-I'm not an interesting person Miss Sana" I said because it's somehow true. Who would even want to get to know a nerd like me?

"Well I'm interested to know you and who knows how long are we going to stay here? Might as well get to know each other to pass time." she spoke with her eyes set in front. People rarely ask anything about me since I know to myself that there's nothing really interesting about me. It's just shocking that the one and only Minatozaki Sana wants to know something about me.

" full name is Kim Dahyun. I have one sibling who's studying at Minatozaki High, my father works as a janitor and my mom is a housewife" I started telling her about me. She didn't bat me an eye though I know that she's listening intently.

"I-I love reading books, studying and most of all, I love music" I said to which she finally looked at me.

"You like music?" she asked as I nodded with a smile.

"I like how I'm able to connect with music even just by listening to it. It helps me create another world where I would feel heavenly because it lifts up my mood. I also love playing musical instruments, especially the piano" I happily explained because music has been my companion when I have no one and it helps me convey the emotions that I'm having a hard time to express. 

Its just that I have no musical instruments at home because we couldn't afford it. I just learned that I have a talent in playing the piano when I naturally played it during our music subject back in high school and it's weird because I don't remember playing it before. I also got to love music since our neighbor would love to play loud music and I would just listen. 

Other than that, I would also use my father's very old radio to listen to some songs. I heard no response from the person beside me so I looked at her and saw her looking at me with an expression that I couldn't decipher what it is.

"Uhmm Miss Sana?" I called which snapped her from her trance.

"I-Is there something on my face?" Her stares is starting to make me conscious.

"N-Nothing you just remind me of someone" I just nodded at her before looking away.

Who could that someone be? I thought as we were surrounded by silence once again but it soon broke when a growling stomach was suddenly heard beside me.

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