Chapter 23 - Bread In The Pantry

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Third Person POV

Jisoo internally winces at the tightness of Sana's grip, so she forcefully retreats her hand before giving the glaring Japanese an awkward smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Sa--"

"I believe we're only acquaintances Ms. Jisoo, call me Miss Minatozaki" Sana coldly said which caused Jisoo to zip her mouth at the sudden tone.

Ok then? Jisoo thought as she saw how Sana's eyes soften when the latter glanced at Dahyun who was stunned.

Oh? Jisoo mentally smirk when she realized that this woman in front of her has something for her sister.

Possessive yet a softie when it comes to Dahyun. Hmmm. Jisoo thought when she suddenly had an idea

"Uhm Dahyun?" Jisoo softy called which caused the pale girl to look up while Sana frowned and gave Jisoo a 'who are you to call her like that' look.

"Would you want to have a cup of coffee with me? It would be my treat." Jisoo asked and Dahyun was about to answer but Sana quickly beat her to it.

"Nope, she's busy" Sana said as she possessively wrapped her hand around Dahyun's arm. Dahyun could feel her face heating up at the sudden contact as she shyly scratched her nape and gave Jisoo a polite smile. Jisoo internally chuckled at what Sana did since she's totally being obvious right now that's why she was quick to notice.

Sana likes Dahyun, her sister.

But the pale girl having no experience in love, is totally dense on why Sana is acting like that.

"Uhm, I wasn't talking to you" Jisoo tried to provoke Sana who's jaw clenched at the response. Sana was about to respond when Dahyun held her hand to stop her. Sana's expression instantly soften and calmed down once Dahyun's hand made contact with hers.

Whipped. Jisoo thought

"I think I'll have to decline the offer for now" Dahyun politely replied which caused Sana to smile internally at the response.

"But how about next time?" Dahyun added as Sana immediately snapped her head towards the pale girl who was still talking to Jisoo. Sana scoffed under her breath and rolled her eyes when she saw how Jisoo's heart shaped lips formed into a wide smile.

"Sure! I'll bring Dalgom with me next time since he likes you" Jisoo answered as Dahyun nodded with a smile.

"I'll see you then Dahyun-ah, oh and can I have a hug as a thank you because you've found Dalgomie?" Jisoo asked as Sana's eyes widen, her mind is already full of ideas on how she plan to kill the one and only Kim Jisoo.

Sana was about to tighten her hold around Dahyun's arm but the latter removed her hand and already went to hug Jisoo and Dalgom who was wagging his tail.

I feel like I've known her for a long time, her hugs are oddly familiar and comfortable. Dahyun thought when she pulled away from Jisoo and patted the dog's head. Sana kept her hands inside her pocket to prevent herself from strangling the raven haired girl.

"I'll see you soon then. Bye!" Jisoo waved her hand before she finally left the scene.

"There you are!" Jihyo's loud voice caught the attention of Dahyun and Sana as they both looked to see a panting Jihyo, Mina, Momo and Nayeon. Dahyun bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing when she saw Nayeon's face which has a drawing of an eggplant near her mouth.

"You followed me all the way here?" Sana asked as Momo rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? How did you found Dahyun anyway?" Momo asked when she finally stopped panting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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