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"MONO!" Seven cried running over to Mono's side.

"No... worries... the blood... isn't... mine." Mono slurred trying to keep his eyes open.

Seven nodded but still checked to be sure. It was just blotches he rubbed up against something maybe...

"'m tired... too much... tele-teleporting..." Mono mumbled softly.

"No, don't fall asleep yet! How do I help you Mono?! Please tell me how I help you!" Seven said rummaging through Mono's pockets.

"Just need... rest and... food..." Mono whispered before completely going slack and giving into the voice in his head persuading him to sleep.

Seven looked at Mono's now sleeping form and brushed his hair gently. "Mono... why do you do this to yourself..."

Seven dragged Mono up onto one of the beds and pulled up the covers to make sure he kept warm.

"Rest and food huh? You get the first part... I'll go get you the second..." Seven said placing a gentle kiss on Mono's cheek. He grabbed  a few left to the side bandages and tied them loosely into a makeshift sling as to carry his findings. 

Seven had no idea what he was getting himself into. He hoped it wasn't deadly, but with his luck... yeah that wasn't going to be the case.


Yup, yup, yup, yup! His luck was completely messed!

What the heck is with a hand, A FREAKING HAND, chasing him around?!

Eventually lost it... or at least he hoped he did...

Seven let out a sigh and wanted to backtrack to see if he missed anything, but that was probably wasn't the best idea...

Not if he wanted to see that creepy hand again...

Seven walked quickly yet quietly listening to any abnormal sound. He learned to be swift and quiet back at the Maw he guessed that his sneaking days weren't up yet. Seven peaked around a door and saw some mannequins sitting like they were people watching TV... it was really creepy.

Seven shivered thinking they would get up too but came to realize these ones weren't, in fact, alive they just sat like they were. 

Seven ran from room to room looking for food or a drink. Only finding a single corn on the cob he took it and went over to the elevator. He grabbed the lever and the doors opened. Seven rode the elevator down and walked down a long corridor. He bolted when he heard skittering of another hand and hid away behind a box. 

Nothing seemed to be happening so Seven stood...

Big mistake...

He came face to face with who he could only assume was the Doctor that Mono had talked about. Seven screamed and tried to run, but his sprinting was cut short by him being nabbed by the Doctor.

"What is a little worm like yourself doing in my hospital? Last little pests that ran through here killed my finest creation!"

'Mono never told me that...' "I don't know what you're talking about! I just want to get to the tower!" Seven cried. "I just want some food before I go any further."

The doctor looked at Seven precariously. "The radio tower?" 

Seven nodded vigorously. 

"The one that crumbled to the ground and who's master is now dead?" The Doctor said squeezing Seven a little too tight causing him to grit his teeth from the pain. This guy was not as kind as the Janitor when it came to handling him.

"I didn't know! I didn't know! Someone just told me that the tower was where I could be safe!" Seven cried pain seeping into his voice with every word he spoke.

"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" The Doctor inquired.

"Y-you don't! B-but please, just let me go. I promise that I'm telling you the truth... just please... let me go..." Seven said the pain beginning to be too much.

The doctor loosened his grip slightly letting Seven breathe and the pain to ebb away, but suddenly he was dropped in a jar. 

Seven laid on the glass floor for a moment letting himself breathe and his body to get used to not being squeezed anymore. He briefly heard the doctor tell him that he would now be his personal experiment, but the words hadn't sunk in yet...

Suddenly, he saw a glitchy something materialize right in front of his eyes, but it felt like his world was spiraling...

And soon... 

It all went black...


Mono awoke to a soft pitter patter of rain on the window. 

He was rested now and ready to take Seven away from this cursed place!

Speaking of Seven... where was he?

"No..." Mono whispered to himself remembering the words he told Seven.

'I just... need rest... and food...'

How could he be so stupid?! Seven could have ran into those creepy mannequins! Or worse! the Doctor himself! All because he wanted to get Mono some food to heal?! It would kill him if he found out Seven was dead... 

He teleported to all of the obvious places and soon came to the doctor's workshop where he made all his creepy creations. Mono looked all around then spotted a jar housing something blue inside it. Mono, suddenly feeling hope rise inside of him, teleported up to the desk that had the jar on it and smiled happily when he saw Seven inside of it.

But his smile dropped when he saw the state Seven was in. He seemed to be fading and in pain, so Mono went behind the jar and pushed it off of the table. 

It wasn't a far drop, but still it managed to shatter. Mono heard the scream of the Doctor and jumped down to grab Seven. And just as the doctor came into the room, Mono looked him right in the eyes, with Seven in his arms, and teleported away.

Even though they were far away now and no where near that cursed hospital anymore, Mono could still hear the scream of the Doctor echoing in the back of his mind.

Seven still hadn't awoken, so he took him to a place that was sheltered away from the rain and he could rest a little longer. 

Teleporting that much after just teleporting and waking up wasn't the best idea...

But for Seven...

He would die before anyone dare hurt him...


I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!

I haven't posted in so long because I've been burnt out and all my relatives just left my house a week ago and it's going to be a long story so buckle up...

Another reason I haven't been posting is because I'm becoming disinterested in writing this story. My stories come to life when I have content such as gameplay, fanfictions and most definitely fanart, but there's just not enough of it and I'm losing my creative spark for this story... so the next chapter will be that last one that you will see from me...

And I suck at endings so please bare with me... and sorry if there are any spelling errors I'm tired and I'm posting this at 2:30 in the morning

Thank you to memelovesdonuts4444 for the idea for this chapter! This would have taken a lot longer if you weren't there to give me the idea, so thank you!!!

Thank you for listening to my presentation! I hope it was informative!

See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1, 223

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