Seduction of the Innocent - Part 1

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Chapter VI

"Why won't you answer me? You don't know what I have to say? Is it because of you being locked up and wanting answers that you just won't simply talk to me, or is it all out of just plain stupidity? You tell me?"


As he sat there, slumped against the wall he cried and wept silently. He dared not to move, forcing himself to believe that if he did, he would just be reminded of all of those tragic events that he tried so hard to forget.

The trial of blood was gone, his only path to find her, was gone. Nothing was moving around him, everything was still once more. What made everything worse was the fact that he was all alone, with no-one to comfort him, no-one to look towards for guidance or anything, no-one to talk to.

His only form of amusement was rocking back and forth, silently crying forever in his hands, consistently hearing strange voices in his head and talking to anyone who would listen. He never knew that a few seconds could dramatically change someone's life, especially his.

A million thoughts were going through his mind, all asking for him to do something, anything. He would never listen. After all, it was him listening to what he told himself to do that got him here in the first place.

After a while, his personal silence was broken, a scream, not from him, broke it. It didn't sound far from where he was. He had to go and find out who it was, find out what was happening. He knew he had to go; he just couldn't force himself to do it.

He just sat there, in his own world, his own mind. He didn't know who he was anymore. Was he the kind of person who would go and run off to save someone from the moment they needed it, or was he the kind that would forget about them in order to protect himself?

"I.....I.........There's nothing I could do, even if I wanted to go and help." Rob said aloud. "I'm a failure, after just one failed attempt."

Once again his moment of thought and speech was broken, but this time, it wasn't by a scream, but by a phone call.

"Rob. Rob, get up. Get up off of the floor Rob." The voice from the phone spoke.

"Wha.......why...........who are you?" Rob asked.

"That's not important right now."

"Then what is?" Rob yelled.

"Listen! Just, listen. You need to get up right now Rob; you need to follow these instructions."

"How.........How were you able to call this phone?" Rob asked.

"Pay attention Rob! Someone is coming your way as we speak, you are wasting time."

Rob weighed his options and realised he had none, none that he could choose.

"What do you want me to do?" Rob asked.

"For starters you can pick yourself up off of the floor."

"Then what? All I have is a baseball bat; it's not like a have much to defend myself with."

"It's still useful, especially since your, 'hunter', doesn't realise that you're awake now."

"Wait, what are you talking about? What is happening, what aren't you telling me?"

"Okay, listen, the reason why, wait, I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Wait what! Tell me! Tell me!" Rob screamed into the phone.

"Watch out." The stranger's voice said as they phone hung up.

Rob was stunned and shocked whilst standing there with the phone. He then realised what those last words spoken were meant. He quickly bent down and grabbed the bat, walked over to the corner of the hallway he was in and prepared to strike. Within a few seconds, over a million thoughts ran through Robs mind, many questions as well. The one question that troubled him the most was how exactly did he know where the so called 'hunter' was coming from, from which direction, and how he knew exactly when to strike.

He closed his eyes and just let his actions take over, swinging the bat around the corner with enough force to cripple anything that would be in its path. The sound of the bat hitting something made Rob open his eyes, the sound was horrifying. He had hit the 'hunter' with a piercing blow that even Rob couldn't believe that he had done.

In the split second that it had taken to start, it had finished ever so quickly. Rob was so focused on waiting for either him to die or for when it was all over, that he didn't even hear the body drop and hit the floor. He hadn't even imagined it.


"I want answers. Not mine, not anyone else's, yours. Now, I'll ask you one more time, or, I could just explain everything again, in case you missed it. Are you listening? Are you paying attention? It might seem frustrating to you, but in fact I'm the one losing precious time, and that is frustrating. Maybe I shouldn't waste my time on you; maybe I'll find someone else for this 'job'. Who knows?"

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