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Chapter II

Rob turned the handle and pushed open the door with all of his might. The door was heavier than it looked. But once it was opened, Rob knew that there was no going back for him. It took time for his eyes to adjust to this new area, he had been sitting in that room for how long he did not now, but he ran anyway, not even knowing where all of the energy that he suddenly had had come from.

He ran out of the storeroom without any haste, almost falling off of the walk-way that he was on. He pulled himself back away from the edge just in time. He wondered how many more times he would come so close to losing his life, and he didn’t want to know. Rob decided that staying close to the wall and trying to balance himself would work in his favour.

Rob took this moment to look around and see what type of mess he was in; he wasn’t prepared for what he was seeing.  It looked just like a mall, well, an abandoned one, but with no shops, flyers, giant store names, nothing. It was starting to look more like an abandoned warehouse.

“What is this place? Where is everyone?” Rob asked himself, but with no answer.

Grasping the baseball bat in one hand, Rob slowly took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, it didn’t work well. He was starting to panic. He had never been in a situation like this in his life before. He tried to look around the giant open room that he was in, there wasn't much. Most of it was just walls and unfinished railings with a few crates and unopened boxes lying around. Rob then turned his attention towards the stairs. He had to get out, or at least, find something, or someone.

Rob started to walk down the staircase, turning his head left and right, searching for a sign, for anything. Everything around him was still, silent, nothing was moving and no-one was here. As Rob reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard the faintest of sounds, almost like the sound of a door closing from a fare distance away.

He stopped, almost straight away, listening for any sign of life. There was nothing, so he kept on moving. Then, he heard a noise again, but this time it was different, it sounded as if someone or something was running, but it sounded closer.

As Rob turned around turned around to see what he heard, he was stopped mid-turn. A cold, metal object was pressed against his head. Whilst being unable to see what it was, Rob instantly realised that it was a gun. But who was holding it. He had no clue.

“Drop the bat!”

The gun was still pressed against Rob’s head, the pressure against his head started to become more clear and more painful, there was nothing that he could do, but the one thing that he did know was that this person was a girl.

“I said, drop the bat!” The mysterious girl asked.

“Why should I?” Rob replied.

“Drop it, or else I’ll put a bullet in your head. Now, you do as I say and drop the bat, and while you’re at it, turn around slowly.”

Realising that there was nothing that he could do that would help him in this situation, Rob slowly bent down and placed the bat on the ground at his feet.

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