Smile, your on camera!

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Chapter IV


The sound of a static T.V. woke Rex up. He had been knocked out, but for how long he did not know. He felt sick, nothing like he had felt before. His neck was sore, his legs, nearly everywhere on his body hurt. He tried to lift his head up, he struggled to even do that, he was tired. He tried to see where exactly he was.

His vision was blurred; he could faintly see the T.V that woke him. It was one of those old televisions, sitting on a very small bench. From what he could see, there was no door, but there was one thing that he saw that horrified him. He wasn’t completely sure if that’s what it was, but to him, it looked like a giant mirror that stretched all the way around the room as far as he could see. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling, even the actual floor was a giant mirror.

He tried to move, but he just couldn’t. His hands and legs were tied to a wooden chair. There was no way that he could untie the ropes, no way that he could cut them loose. His vision was still blurry, it didn’t help that the room was lit up as if the sun was right above him, and that basically the whole room was covered in mirrors.

He tried to remember what he was doing before all of this, before he woke up to find himself tied to a chair in this crazy room. Where was I? What was it that I was doing? Wait! That’s right! I was on a bus, heading………somewhere………argh I don’t know.


The cameras turned around, watching, waiting, stalking the group, no-one noticed, no-one had the slightest clue that they were being watched so easily and so effortlessly. They were moving from room to room, looking for the other people that they were told about.  They didn’t know why they were following this strange man’s instructions, or how he knew exactly when to call, but they did what he told them to do, for now at least, until they knew what exactly it was that they were doing here.

“There’s no-one in here!” Barry shouted.

Barry, Rob and Emily were searching the rooms on the left side and upstairs, whilst Bonnie and Christine searched the right side and the hallway that was leading into the large room that they were in.

“Nothing in here either! Not a single thing!” Rob shouted.

They had been searching for a while, with no results. No luck at all, so far they had find no sign of anyone.

“See anything in their Christine?” Bonnie asked.

“No. Not a single thing. No sign of life whatsoever.” Christine replied.

They weren’t getting any closer to finding people. They were losing precious time.

“This is pointless, we’re not getting anywhere fast.” Emily stated.

“I agree!” Barry answered.

“Yeah. We need a plan.” Emily said. “Let’s grab the others and meet back again!”

Barry, Rob and Emily all met up in the middle of the room that they were all searching in. There was no sign of Bonnie or Christine yet.

“Strange, thought that they would’ve finished searching the rooms and be back by now, maybe they found someone, or at least a sign that we’re getting closer.” Barry said.

“Like we would have that kind of luck, if any.” Emily said.

“You think we should go and look for them?” Rob asked.

“Nah, their fine. There just running late.” said Barry.

“And how do know that, they could be dead for all we know!” Rob shouted, you could hear the frustration in his voice.

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