The Killer, The Traitor, The Gypsy

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Chapter III


What Rob and Bonnie saw truly shocked them. A boy with short dark hair, and a distinctive looking leather coat, was standing over a small blonde haired girl, who was wearing some plain shorts and a top. He had a gun pointed at her, screaming and yelling, asking for something.

“Get your hands of me! I don’t know what you want, I don’t know?!” the girl cried.

“I said where the hell am I? What the fuck is this place?!” the boy yelled. “Answer me!”

“I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t kno…….”

The girl began to cry as she spoke, sobbing with her head in her hands. Just as Rob was about to talk, he was pushed aside by Bonnie as she arced up at the boy.

“Hey, leave her be. What has she done to get you so pissed off?”

“Stay out of this bitch; this has nothing to do with you. So just be on your way.”

“No.” Bonnie replied back.


“I said no. What, you got a problem with that huh?”

“Very well, I’ll deal with you first, tough girl.”

Rob felt like he was useless. Just standing there watching this whole ordeal. Not doing a single thing.  Although he flinched when the boy turned and pointed his gun at Bonnie. He felt like he needed to do something, but he just couldn’t. Then he saw and realised, Bonnie had hid her gun behind her back. The boy hadn’t noticed yet. What was Bonnie planning? She was going to get herself killed one way, or another.


Everyone, including the boy, paused, looked around, and then finally saw whose voice it was. A relatively tall girl, with short dark brown hair, wearing what seemed to be, clothes that made her look like a modern day gipsy. Standing still, high on the walkway above the large open room, holding a loaded crossbow very steadily, aimed at the group.

“Now I wonder what would happen if one of you shot first? It wouldn’t be very nice or pretty. Now why don’t we put all of our weapons down and sort this out like normal people. How’s that sound?”

“Listen Gypsy, I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you ain’t telling me what to do.” The boy stated.

“That’s not a nice way to treat a lady now, is it? Now you better listen to me, before I paint that floor around you red. Now drop the weapons.”

“Why don’t you come down here, and then we can settle things.”

“Why don’t we just drop our weapons like she says?” Bonnie exclaimed.

“Why don’t you just shut your mouth ‘Tough Girl’, or I’ll shut it for you.”

“You really like pushing your luck, don’t you?”

“You really think you know me? Girl, if it was all up to me, I would put a bullet through your skull right this instance.”

“Then go on, why don’t you!”

“Bonnie!” Rob shouted.

“Hey! You be quite boy. This is between me and her. Now….”

The Gypsy girl was now standing directly behind the boy, with her crossbow pointed directly at his head. No one, not even Rob, noticed her when she came down from the walkway.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you now. Drop the guns slowly.” The gypsy girl said.

Rob did as the girl said and dropped the bat, whilst Bonnie still held onto her gun which was still hidden. The boy bent down to drop his gun on the floor slowly. Rob could see the expression on his face as he knelt down while the gypsy girl couldn’t. Rob guessed what was going to happen next, and he was right.

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