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"Sam Peter Noelle! Get your prissy ass down here now!" I yelled as I stuffed the kids' lunch boxes with sandwiches I had made the night before.
"Give me my doll back!"
"No! I wanna use her to make a Shrek voodoo!"
"Give it back now!"
"Come and get it dum-dells."
I huffed and marched over to Ethan and Adeline who were playing a violent game of tag. "Give her the doll Ethan." I snatched it out of his hand with a glare and tossed it to Adeline who caught it with a cradle.
"Go put on your shoes," I ordered. "And have you packed your bag yet?"
He made an oops face and I mentally groaned.
"Pack it quickly. You'll make yourself and me late if you don't hurry up."
"Larkie!" Adeline whined. "Ethan got orange juice on Meg's dress." She tugged at my hand, pouting up at me, and held up the doll.
I sighed. "I'll wash her dress for you this afternoon. Take Grace to school today, instead."
Liking the arrangement, she grinned and skipped off to get her other doll.
"Sam!" I yelled again, "The bus is almost here! Get your ass down now!"
Heavy footsteps trudged down the hallway and a lanky twelve-year-old dissolved into my vision. His dirty blonde hair was falling in unruly waves not quite reaching his shoulder and I made a mental note to take him to the barber soon. His eyes were still sleep muddled and the honey of his iris's had gone a shade dark in laze. His head bobbed up to the tip of my chin and a backpack was slung across his shoulders as he yawned loudly.
"Finally," I scowled and went to the kitchen to grab his lunch bag.
He followed me and sent a lazy grin. "Ease up sis, it's only seven am."
"Dont remind me" I groaned and searched between the mess of a room we called a kitchen for the lunch bag. "Dammit," I cursed, stuffing my hand into my pocket I pulled out a crisp five dollars and held it up to Sam. "I forgot to pack your lunch, is this enough for today?"
He snatched it from me with a small smile and nodded.
"Right then," I rubbed a hand over my face as a loud honk sounded. "Bus is here. Get out of my face now."
"You love me," his eyes twinkled as he sidestepped me and smacked a kiss on my cheeks.
I wiped my cheek, mimicking disgust, though there was a grin on my face and sent him a wave. "Don't cause trouble!"
"I will!"
"Dells! Ethan! Are you ready!" I shouted as I grabbed their lunchboxes and Adelines bag.