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Adeline was sleeping in our room. Sam and Ethan were supposedly sleeping in theirs, but I could still hear shuffling and small whispers from inside. They were probably playing UNO or something. Meanwhile, I had sprawled myself out on the couch, a bucket of ice cream in my hands, and a white sheet mask over my face.
If ten minutes passed and Sam and Ethan still didn't sleep I would scare them.
My eyes were half-closed and barely even watching the episode of friends I had put on and the spoon I had been using to eat ice cream with was half dangling from my mouth. I didn't really care though because this was the most relaxed I've felt in a month. Besides, after the park, I had barely been able to drive us home. A dizzy spell had fallen over me and my head had spun and spun and spun till I had almost had to stop the car and given the wheel to Willow. I sucked it up though. But god was going up the stairs pure torture. I could feel the weight of my foot every time I took a step and the world would bounce up and down with each stride. I almost tumbled down five times.
My eyes had just closed and all the background noise had just faded out when the doorbell rang. I groaned and fumbled around for my phone, unlocking it to get a glimpse of the time.
It was 9:45.
Which meant Willow was out the door.
Which meant if I stayed put long enough she would eventually leave and I wouldn't have to be subject to her harassment.
Content with my plan I put my phone down and leaned back. The doorbell rang. Again. And Again. And again.
Then it stopped.
I sighed and closed my eyes again. My moment of triumph and peace was short-lived however because a second later keys jingled and a lock clicked open.
I cursed under my breath. Damn you spare key. I had given one to Willow just in case something happened and told her to only use it for emergencies.
I sat up and peeled the facemask off just as she and another figure entered the room. "Willow you need a lesson on etiquette," I deadpanned.
"So do you," she shot back. "You're supposed to open the door when you hear the doorbell." Then she glances at my attire. "I said be ready by ten! You have smudged ice cream on your face!"
I give her a confident grin and can practically hear the growl roll of her. I notice that the person lagging behind her is her sister, Jules. She was younger than Willow by three years and aside from the fact she had longer hair and a less curvy body, she and Willow could've passed for twins.
"Hey Jules," I greet her with a small smile. "If Willow dragged you here against your better will then please leave. It's ok. No hard feelings here."