Can foxes be nurses?

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Dinner was awkward to say the least, Eret insisted Tommy sit with him at the dining table, which Tommy assumed meant he wanted to watch him eat to make sure he actually did.

The food in front of Tommy today was a simple small bowl of soup, it looked like it had potatoes and some type of meat in it, mixed with herbs and tiny pieces of chopped up carrots and potatoes.

He picked up his spoon and stirred it in an attempt to cool it down a bit so it'd be easier to eat.

Eret watched him carefully, looking away each time Tommy looked back.

Going back to his thoughts, Tommy didn't really have a specific reason for hating castles and the people in them, he just didn't really trust them.

They made his stomach churn, his head spin, and strangely enough, his back hurt.

His parents ushered him away from castles, not wanting him even close to them, even thoughts of them were frowned upon.

Tommy stared into his cooling bowl of soup, thoughts racing.

He had lots to think about now that he has been in two castles.

Why did his parents hate them so much?

Why did his back sometimes ache when he was inside one?

Why did the fire feel safe?

Why did..

''You should eat that while it's still hot Tom.''

A calm voice spoke, dragging him away from his thoughts.

He nodded, scooping up a spoonful of soup, though he was hesitant to actually put it in his mouth.

Tommy glanced over at Eret, who nodded kindly, attempting to reassure him without using words.

He looked at the spoon, silently debating if he was really hungry or not.

In reality, Tommy wasn't hungry, he was starving, but his head didn't want him to eat, the fear of being poisoned or drugged and waking up in chains since, going by the laws of almost all kingdoms, he'd committed enough theft and ''assault'' in his life to be jailed for five lifetimes.

Tommy knew he could say that he did all that to survive, but then comes the possibility he'd be set up with a family, and if you were to ask Phil, that family would be his.

He shook his head, attempting to make the thoughts cease, even if it was only temporary.

Tommy looked at Eret once again, this time slowly putting the spoon of now cold soup in his mouth when he looked away.

It tasted great, one of the best things he's eaten in a while even though it wasn't warm and fresh out of the pot.

He ate another spoon, and then another, and soon the bowl was empty, leaving Tommy staring at it in disbelief.

''Was it good?''

The king asked, standing and walking over to the young boy.

''Yeah, thank you.''

Tommy turned his head to look at Eret, once again searching for any lies that may be hidden behind their eyes.

He found none, kindness and truth being the only thing that Tommy could see.

Eret soon chuckled at the awkward eye contact and ruffled the young boy's hair.

''Now, Tommy, I must ask you if I can send a letter to Phil? Just so he knows where you are and that you're safe?''

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