The day i found out

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Im going to call Itadori. Yuji its easier to spell and faster and if i dont know his full name i uh idk what to do


Its was a Sunday morning and yuji was sound asleep in his bed he looked so peaceful i place my hand on his cheek and gently caress it 'his face is so soft' i thought. i look at the time and its 12:30Am and yuji starts to wake up he usually wakes up around about 1pm but I guess he's getting up early; i quickly go to my kingdom and sigh 'i wish I could touch him all over' my servant comes in' "my lord u have a visitor" "who is it?" I say "king Gojo sir" "send him in then dont make him Wait go do your job" " okay my lord im sorry" then she walks away Gojo walks in and says "have u found your Queen?" "..." i reply.

"so? Don't ignore me you know better than that" he pores himself tea then walks and sits next to me "yes i have." I say he looks at me with wide eyes "you have!" He says "yes. And its a he not a she" i look at him with a glare "well i know but ur the husband right?" I look at him confused "well are u?" I nod my head "right then he would be your husband but the kingdom would still call him you're Queen right Sukuna" i look at him like he's an idiot. I heard the shower running in yujis house ( ⚠️okay do he kind is like a god idk if that makes sense but he can hear whats going on in yujis house- lets just say that heh😅⚠️)and go there i see him getting into the shower and start to wash his hair.

I grab my phone and take a quick photo of him i while his eyes was closed just when i see the flash go i look up and teleport to his room i peek into the bathroom to  see what hes doing: he leaned out of the shower too see what the flash was he surged it off and went back to showering i sit on his bed waiting for him to get done. and I stared at the photo i got and smirk i hear the shower turn off and i turn invisible so he can't see me; he walks out naked i look at him with wide eyes and smirk he bends over to get his underwear and i see a grate view on his back side i put my hand on his ass and squeeze it he moaned a but witch turn me on but before i could do anything else he turned around i sigh 'good thing im invisible'.

and go back to gojo who is sleeping I wake him up but i nod my head and sigh to his question. I want to tell him everything about yuji but i feel like he will not leave me alone if i don't tell him i look at him he opens his mouth to say something but then a servant bust though the door and says "SIR ONE OF YOUR LOOK OUTS GOT CAUGHT" i look at him with wide eyes and jump up so dose gojo he says "what look outs?" I say "i send people to look out for him i have cameras around his entire house but how did he get caught?!" I say "Dose he even know about you!" He says "I think but thats not the problem right now! That look out is a teller he says anything on his mind he wears a muzzle because of it ill kill that bitch if he says anything about us"

Before all that happened back to yujis

Yujis POV
I wake up when i feel someone's hand on my face it was warm and soft i felt safe  but I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was then i feel the person's hand slip away i yell in my head because now i feel cold my eyes finally flutter open and i look around it was 12am i grabbed my phone from my nightstand and look at what today is and i sigh~ "grate todays hang out day" i get up out of bed and as soon as i stand up i trip over my cat he hissed at me i stepped on his tail and i pick him up and say "oh shhh I'm sorry Mr.whiskey I didn't mean to" i kiss his nose and he purrs i sigh and i set him on my bed "okay time to get my day in line before they get here.." i walk into the kitchen and make some eggs and pancakes and sit down and give thanks to the food and eat 'i wish i had someone eat with' I finish eating and i get up and get into the shower i hear a camera flash and i look out the shower no one was there I thought to myself 'that's kinda creepy'.

but I shook it off and got out of the shower i was getting dry i didnt have anything on i bend over so i can get underwear and I feel someones hand on my ass and squeezed it i moaned a bit and i turn around and start to get creeped out even more i finally get dressed nothing else happened from there but i still feel like someones watching me. I jump when i hear a loud banging noises at my door and i sigh "grate there here" i open the door and a girl jumps on me and says "hey baby boy hows your day we missed you" and hugs me tightly a not to deep voice says "get off of him Nobara your going yo kill him" nobara looks at me im losing my breath and turn blue she gasped "ah im sorry yuji haha its just ben a while since we seen each other" I gasped when i caught my breath again and i say "it's alright I missed you guys too and thanks umi" (just a nickname i wanted to give him if u don't know his real name is Megumi😋)

"i told u to stop calling me that yuji it's stupid" i look at him with sad eyes and he sighs "ok ok u can call me that stop with the puppy eyes god"i smirked and thought 'haha works every time' nobara holds up a bad of ramen and says "OKKk LETS EAT IM HUNGRY" and laughed "ok lets go umi" and we walk to the living room we eat catch up on what happened while we wasn't in touch and watched movies and played games and i fell asleep I guess because i woke up and they were gone and i was on the couch sleeping when I seen some thing move in the corner on my living room i look twice and it was still. it was dark in my living room but i had a little light in here it didnt really light up the entire living room it light up the tv,couch,and a little corner of the room but in the corner i seen something move it was pitch black.

I seen it move again and i jumped out of my skin that time I grabbed my pocket nife and waked towards it "who the fuck are u and why are u in my house" it moved again and i ran towards it "dont think your getting away" I grabbed its neck i think and hit a pressure point on its back and it nocked it out i took it into the light and it was a boy he looked about 17 or 16 he had cat ears and a riped up shirt and full purple hair.

I tided him to a chair and put a light above his head it kinda look like one of those investigation movies. I took his stuff and looked though it; he had cameras,cards,guns and one thing that scared me so bad I started to cry there was a photo of me chined up in a sell covered in blood my knees started to buckle i fell to the ground and everything went black..

..To be continued..

Muahah im evil i hope u liked the first chapter theres (1406 words) not as much as it should be but its 2am and i have school tmr so bye now❤️🤭👋🏽


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