Concussions are not fun

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Your POV.
Thankfully Fred and George are close to Harry, protecting him. That was my job though, not their's. I motion towards what's going on to the girls and let them know they're on their own. I had to protect my brother.
"What's going on?!" I call out to George.
"The bludger, it's gone straight mad for Harry!"
"I'm going to get Wood to call a time out!" I shout back and motion at Wood who thankfully gets the message, keeping a close eye on me after I had left my position.
We gather in a huddle quickly, Wood clearly baffled as to why his normally top behaved team were acting the way they were.

"We're going to be flattened! Fred, George where were you when the bludger made Angelina miss her score? Y/n where were you catch the passes?"

George starts getting rather upset his ear turning a red, "WE were twenty feet above her, trying to stop the other bludger murdering Harry. Someone's fixed it! It has done nothing else, but the whole game. I bet it was one of those slimly bastards"

"But the bludgers have been locked in Madame Hooche's office since our last practice- there's nothing wrong with them!"

"Wood there must be, someone could have gotten to it- hell I've broken into an office or two in my lifetime and I'm 12! Even one of them could figure it out... or I'm sorry to say it could be the rotten Potter luck. There must a replacement bludger or something right? It's only the one."

Wood shakes his head at me, "I'm sorry to say, but there's only the two and there currently on the field waiting for us to resume."

Only two bludgers are you kidding me right now?! Also how are we the only ones noticing this?

"Fred, George, you need to back off- let me handle the rouge one and I'll figure it out, but I'm never gonna get the Snitch if you two are going on around me!"

"No way!" All three of us respond immediately. Fred turns to Wood, "Now you've done it, 'Get the snitch or die trying' Look what you've done to his head!"

"Wood tell them!" Harry responds in a childish manor.

"Wood if you have them back off so help me-"

"George, Fred, back off,"

"Wood!" I respond.

"Y/n, I understand he's you're brother, but you all need to have a little more faith in him,"

"Faith? Faith?! Have you gone mad?!"

"TIMES UP!" Madame Hooche shouts and I shoot a glare to Wood before going back to the field.

The rain hit down hard and Harry began to go up higher in the sky, I was horrified, but I threw myseld back into the game.

I could tell Malfoy's eyes weren't on me. Suddenly I hear an agreesive BLAM.

"HARRY!" I shouted I could see his arm dangling and he began tumbling out of the sky. I dove toward my brother, damning the game. As he hits the ground, I see the snitch in his hand.

"HE"S GOT THE SNITCH NOW STOP THE GAME!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The Slytherins boo and Gryfindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw cheer clearly not aware of what was going on.

"Harry?" He was knocked out, "please, please, please be okay. At least enough that Madame Promfery can fix you up."

"Oh no, not you," Harry groans slowly waking up. I look up to where he's looking and there he is, the myth and the fool, professor Lockhart.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about" Lockhart laughs off Harry's comment.
"Not to worry, Potter my boy, I know just the spell to fix you up."
"He doesn't need a spell! He needs Madamn Promfery!" I say to the dumb man.
"Non sense, I can do the same as she can, even better," he replies grabbing for his wand. By then the whole group was surrounding us, Wood going on about Harry's catch and others wondering what mental illness Wood had. In the commotion of trying to see Harry's dangling arm, I reach into Ron's pocket snatching his wand. I point it at Lockhart, everyone gasps.
"Back. Away. From my brother." Lockhart has a nervous smile on his face.
What the hell am I doing?! I wasn't thinking
"My dear girl, this spell-"
"expelliarmus!" I attempt the disarm and in my rushed thinking I forgot- it was Ron's broken wand. I'm shot back from the crowd, straight into the goal post. Everything goes black. Fucking Lockhart

-~Time skip brought to you by my depression~-

"-a wand! On a teacher! I am disgusted. Absolutely, what in Gods earth was the Potter girl thinking." Someone mumbles and lifts one of my eye lids, a bright light shined into it.
"Ugh, the hell?"
"Your awake. Good. A lot of teachers have some things to say to you about your irresponsible actions."
"What are you talking about?" I say through shut eyes, soon recognizing the voice as Madam Promfery's.
"My dear girl, did you hit your head that hard?"
"When did I hit my head?" It came back in a headache.
"Oh. Oh no right,"
"Oh no right, is right! You attacked a teacher!"
"He threatened to help my brother!"
"He threatened to help. Your brother. Do you hear how that sounds?"
"Well, yes but you have to understand the man's an idiot!" I complain and Madam Promfrey huffs.
"Y/n Potter, that is highly inappropriate. I expected better from you and I'm very disappointed." Looking down, I couldn't meet the woman's eyes. "However, you did have a point... he should have brought Harry to my office right away instead now..." I look up and see Harry with his arm in a sling, asleep. At the end of his bed is a weird looking bottle with bones on it.
"What... what happened?"
"The man got rid of all his bones in his arm. He's having to stay over night to have them regrow."
"Gross... but you see? I can't be blamed!"
"Yes, you can, in fact Professor McGonagal is waiting for you to recover so she can properly punish you."
"That's so unfair!"
"Dear, you threatened someone, even worse a teacher. Thats a big issue. Even if you were right, what you did was wrong." I huffed and she presses her lips together before leaning in towards me.
"It would be difficult to punish someone who couldn't remember what they'd done," my eyes went big at the smart advice as the door slams open. Professor McGonagal barges into the room.
"Ms. Potter! With me. Now."
"I'm not recovered yet!" I complain to the woman, but insistently she drags me out by my collar. My head pounding out.

God concussions are not fun.

She takes me down to Snapes office and I cringe at the hours spent cleaning the place.
"Why am I here?" I ask McGonagal and Snape.
"Y/n, you're in a lot of trouble."
"For what?!"
"For pulling a wand on a teacher, a broken wand at that!"
"Someone needs to get Ronald a new wand already." Snape complains in his usual solemn tone.
"I never did that!" I play dumb, dumber than dumb.
"Y/n! There are hundreds of witnesses sighting you pulling a wand on your professor!" Snape says angrily.
"I swear to you! I didn't do a thing, one second I'm on the field seeing Harry falling out of the sky, then suddenly I'm waking up in the hospital wing!"
"Snape, perhaps she's telling the truth, she hit that goal pole pretty hard... she may not remember a thing"
He scoffs, "of course a Potter child would have the luck to be knocked out with a case of amnesia!"
"So... what?" She questions.
"Go to your dorm and rest up, we will come get you when we decide what to do with you."
I nod nervously. What if they sent me back to the Dursley's? Suspension, I'd rather just deal with detention. I make a detour to the Slythrien dormitories and immediately run into the person I wasn't sure I wanted to see.

 I make a detour to the Slythrien dormitories and immediately run into the person I wasn't sure I wanted to see

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"Potter!" Draco came over quickly and threw his arms over me before pushing me back and clearing his throat.
"You. Uh. You were pretty stupid pulling that wand on that teacher."
"Thanks Malfoy." I smile acknowledging the concern behind his statement.
"You would be pretty stupid to pull another stunt like that" translation please never do that again, I was really worried.

"Thank you, Malfoy" I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Also we totally kicked your ass"
"We so did! Harry caught the snitch and everything!"
"Ugh whatever! Stupid Potters." He grumbles walking off.
Translation again;
I'm right.

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