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Lily and James had just had another child. A girl. As they looked down at the girl in Lily's arms a smile crossed their faces. "What should we name her?" James asked quietly, as to not wake up his sleeping daughter.

Lily smiled. "I was hoping we could name her Charlotte Evangelina Potter." she said, looking into her husband's eyes. James thought for a minuted before smiling down at his wife. "I think it's perfect." he replied.

His eyes caught on a figure outside the room and his smile fell. Lily's eyes fell on the figure with black greasy hair. James sighed and beckoned him in. 

He hesitantly stepped in and closed the door, leaning against it in the awkward silence. "The Dark Lord will go after your family." he finally said. "We know. We already went into hiding." she replied.

He turned to leave. "Severus." James called out. The figure stopped. "We want you and Remus to be Charlotte's godfather." Lily said gently. He exhaled, giving a slight nod before leaving. As he left, they heard something almost inaudible. "I'm sorry for everything Lily." 


"She has your hair, love." he said to Lily. She giggled and kissed her daughters red hair. She looked into her eyes, brown, like James. "And she has your eyes." The couple smiled at each other and continued to adore their daughter until it was time to go home. 

When they did arrive home, James carried the car seat in that Charlotte was sleeping in, with Lily behind him. They entered the house to see their firstborn, Harry playing with his godfather, Sirius and Remus reading on the couch. 

"Hey guys! How'd it go?" Sirius asked, giving James a hug. "It went well, thanks mate." James replied, putting the car-seat down next to him. 

He then turned his attention to Lily. "Lily Flower, you're looking gorgeous." he say, giving her a gentle hug. Lily smiled. 

"Thank you, Sirius. How was Harry?" she asked, kneeling down to pick up her son who squealed, smiling at his mother. 

"He was great, like always. Never caused any trouble." Sirius replied. Lily booped Harry's nose. "Always a good boy, aren't you?" she said as Harry laughed.

Sirius smiled and looked down at their sleeping daughter. "Are you going to introduce me to the new Potter?" he asked. 

James kneeled down and carefully unstrapped Charlotte. "This is Charlotte Evangelina Potter." he says. Sirius looked at the baby with a smile. 

"She's gorgeous, James." Remus whispered as he stood on the other side of James. Lily caught her husbands eye. "Remus, we want you to be godfather." Lily said and Remus stared at the couple, speechless.

"You don't have to be, of course, but you've been such a great friend to Lily and me, that we thought you'd be perfect for the part. We know she'd look up to you and that you'd protect her no matter what." James added.

" would love to be godfather....I'm just shocked...that you would choose me." Remus replied. James and Lily both smiled. "Well, since you're her godfather, you can hold her first." Sirius said to Remus. 

James nods and carefully places Charlotte in Remus's arms. Charlotte yawned, and snuggled deeper into Remus' arms, who slowly walked over to the couch and sat down.

He began to tell her stories about their adventures at school, her eyes fixed on him as he spoke. As he lay her down to sleep that night he smiled, and kissed her forehead. "My little Charlotte." 


That night. 23 nights after Charlotte was born, was a complete blur for Remus and Sirius. Lily and James were dead. The children, they didn't know, if they were alive or dead.

They rushed to the house, and walked inside. The inside of the house was a devastating sight. There were holes in the walls, furniture had been torn apart, glass was shattered everywhere. They saw James motionless body lying on the floor, making their hearts twist in pain. They heard a faint cry from upstairs and rushed to where the sound was coming from. They rushed into Harry's room, where Lily was found on the floor besides Harry's crib.

Remus's eyes landed on the crib, where Harry and Charlotte sat inside, both children in tears. "Sirius." he said and rushed to pick up Charlotte. 

They had been scared to death. Both Godfathers took the children outside, out of the house, careful not to let them see their parents bodies. Sirius noticed a scar on Harry's forehead and a scar on Charlotte's wrist. They stood there, not sure what to do.

They spot a large man, with a bushy beard and big hair walk up to them. He holds his hands out. "Don't worry, I'm here for the children." the man said. 

"What for? Who are you?" Sirius asks. "I'm Hagrid, Dumbledore ordered me to take the children to him." the man answers.

Remus shakes his head. "No, me and Sirius will take care of the children." Remus held a wailing Cora closer to his chest making Hagrid look at them with sadness in his eyes.

"I understand you want to take care of them, but Dumbledore gave me orders. I'm sorry." 

Sirius looked down at Harry. Then back at Hagrid. "Where will they go?" he asked. "Harry will live at the Dursleys and Charlotte will go to live with Lily's other sister. Hagrid says.

Sirius nods, looking  at Harry before looking back at Remus who had tears in his eyes. Sirius walked over to him. 

"Remus...I know it's hard....but it's for the best." Remus shook his head. "I can't. Charlotte means the world to me." 

Sirius nods. "I know, but it's for the best. We'll see them again." 

Remus looked down at Charlotte who was still wailing. He reached down into his pocket, and unwrapped a small chocolate bar. He gave it to her and she calmed down. 

"Before I let you go, I just want to let you know that I can't wait to see you again. You'll grow to be an amazing person. I want to take you home, but I can't. I'll see you again sometime, in a few years.I promise..." 

Sirius watched the two with tears in his eyes. Remus kissed Charlotte's head "I love you, my little flower." 

With tears in his eyes, and a broken heart he finally handed Cora over to Hagrid. Sirius did the same with Harry, and Hagrid strapped them to his chest. Before he left, Sirius offered Hagrid his moterbike.

"I'm very sorry for your losses." he said to them.

It was that night, that changed everyone's lives forever. A couple dead. Siblings separated from each other. Friends split apart. Word had quickly spread about the children that defeated the dark lord after he tried to kill them, unsuccessfully. Sirius was sent to Azkaban after being accused of betraying Lily and James to Voldemort, after giving away their hideout to the Dark Lord.

Remus felt betrayed. He was all alone. He was lost. He had nobody. 

Harry was sent to live with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. They were muggles and didn't care about Harry. They treated him horribly. He was soon free from them when his 11th birthday came. There he spent his first two years making friends and unintentionally getting into trouble.  

Charlotte went on living with her aunt. Although,  what no one knew, though. Is that some dark magic got onto her scar on her right wrist. She finally joined Harry at Hogwarts in his third year.

After watching Harry go to school without her, for so many years, they would soon be reunited and have many adventures and secrets waiting for them. This is her story. The story of Charlotte Evangelina Potter. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, feel free to vote and comment! I hope you enjoy the rest of your morning/afternoon/night :-)

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