Chapter 2

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"Listen Danny, I know you're gonna be mad," David started to say, "but it would really be a favor and I've seen the kid, he's a nice guy."
I was mad, I didn't like answering. I've never been mad at David before, I know it was for Max and I love Max, but I guess for the longest time I've always gotten what I want, and I've never wanted a boy, but I guess that's what I was gonna get! I just ignored what he said, I couldn't even look at him.
"Where's the boys?" I asked, ignoring him.
"Feeding." Star whispered and walked over to her bed.
It was 5:00am. I sat down on the coach and popped open a jolt, but before I could drink it, David pulled it out of my hands.
"Whoa whoa, it's too early!" He yelled jokingly.
"Give me back my jolt!"
"No listen to me first and I'll give it back."
But I didn't listen to him, I smiled then ran over to him and jumped on his back and tried to grab the soda. We were both laughing and he was trying to tickle me. Then we were wrestling and spilling the soda all over us. But we stopped when the boys walked in.
"What's going on?" Paul asked.
"Damn, I'm all sticky!" David yelled and we both started laughing.
Then David stopped and told me to stand up. I could tell he was tired just as much as the other boys were. Then he looked serious.
"Listen Danny-" he began
"I know what your gonna say," I said putting my hands up, "and why do I have to, why would Max do that to me?"
"Well he said maybe you'll even like the guy, you both like comics and guns n roses!" Dwayne said.
Then Paul said, "Just think of him more like a friend to have."
"Yeah, make him fall in love with you." Marko said, pointing at me.
"I don't need a guy friend, I don't even need a friend, I have you guys." Now I was getting mad.
"Look, Danny," David started. "We need you. We'll talk about it in the morning because I'm tired and so are the boys."
I looked over at Star who was already asleep.
When I turned back to look at them I felt a wind blow and realized the boys were gone.

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