Chapter 6

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Sam and I went to the beach and he laid out a towel, I took my clothes off and exposed my red bikini. I turned around and Sam was staring at me smiling.
"You look pretty." He smiled.
I couldn't believe he actually said that.
"Thanks." I blushed, my heart was beating so loud he could probably hear it.
"Ready to go?" He held out his hand for me to grab. And I took it and smiled.
We walked to the water, I walked right in, but he stopped by the waves.
"What's wrong." I asked.
"It's cold." He said and made a face.
I laughed and bent over and made my hand into a cup form and got water.
"You better not!" He laughed.
I splashed water on him and he flinched. I laughed.
"Your gonna get it!" Sam yelled. And jumped in the water and chased after me.
I screamed and tried to run, but he caught my feet as I went head first into the water. I got up realized Sam stopped.
I looked around and couldn't find Sam anywhere, I started getting scared.
"Sam? Sam?" I started to splash in the water and look. Next thing I know, I was being lifted from the water, I screamed when I went up, but when I looked down I was on Sam's shoulders.
"You scared me to death Sam, I thought you drowned!"
"Sorry Danny!" He laughed.
He began to spin around in the water and I was getting dizzy. We both laughed. I was really happy that I met Sam. I never thought I'd be into love but he was different, he wasn't like the guys I've seen in the movies it was weird and whenever I thought about him, I couldn't think straight.
Sam started to go back underneath so he could let me down. When I was back on my feet, I turned around and we were both face to face and were really close to each other. I stared blankly into his eyes and he did the same back to me. I thought we were gonna kiss until I heard someone say my name.

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