Chapter Three

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"Tai~shi~ro~sannn!" You pranced towards your mentor with a smile on your face, he smiled back but his was way wider and brighter than yours.

"Yes Y/n?" Taishiro sat in his office chair, which was huge compared to any other chair you've ever seen, it was necessary for the large pro hero. "And it's Fatgum here, I'm sorry but it's mandatory"

"Nahh it's all good! I just wanted to know if you'd like to head to the movies later? My friend wants to meet you" You sat your bum on the desktop that Fatgum sat in, your legs politely crossed while your hands were placed on either side of your thighs. You sat well away from the male, of course, you didn't want to get too close.

"Hm, It's been awhile since I've been to the movie theater. I'll join you and your friend" Fatgum nodded after pointing to you, his bright golden eyes shone with authority. "I must ask that you hop off tha' desk, chickadee"

"Yessir! And thank you for accepting my invitation!"

"Mhm, I may text you when I'm done with all this paperwork. Until then, stay outta trouble young lady" Fatgum waggled a finger at you, to which you smirked and bowed before him. His smile seemed to widen, but you don't know why. The day was spent patrolling with Kirishima and Tamaki, Fatgum had left the far side of the city to the three of us, while our mentor worked on a side investigation involving the murder of a rising hero. You honestly didn't even know the hero was alive until he was shown on the News, along with many other murders that occurred with them. The murderer was killed ranked hero's like cattle in a meat factory, they were left mangled and dismembered, it was horrific to anyone that stepped on the scene.

"Yes sir, I'll try to stay outta trouble!" You bounced away from Fatgum with a smile, the chains that wrapped around you jangled lightly as moved. "Bye bye! I'll be waiting on that text!"

A few hours passed since the last time you spoke to Taishiro in person, he had texted you saying to go on in; which you didn't, Ukai did. A few conversations started up among you and a little girl that was waiting for her mom to get out of the restroom.

"Yeah, mommy doesn't feel good. I think she's pooping" The little girls nose scrunched up to show her disgust, it was adorable to see such a small human being with a chubby, soft face.

"Well, if ya' gotta go, ya' gotta go. Am I right?" You chuckled lightly when the girl nodded quiet vigorously, her brown eyes shone brightly at something behind you. You turned around and cocked an eyebrow in confusion. A tall blond haired male stood before you, his golden eyes shone with a bright smile on his face.

"...." You tilted your head up to stare the man in the eyes, his height was unbelievable compared to you. "May I help you, mister?"

"Wha- oh come on Y/n! You don't recognize your mentor?" His voice sounded very familiar.

"....your joking, right? Like I'd actually believe your Taishiro" You waggled your eyebrows up and down at the man, his features were quiet handsome.

"It is me! I promise, I'm just skinny!" Taishiro pointed to his chest before raising his hands in the air, a innocent flash crossed his golden gaze.

" the hell did you lose so much weight? And that fast?!" You squinted your e/c eyes in suspicion, you still didn't believe the male. You didn't tear your gaze away when you felt the little girls hand yank on your skirt fabric.

"He's telling the truth!" The little girl squeaked the words, her bright round eyes flashed up at the skinny hero with curiosity. "I have a lie-detector quirk! He is who he says he is!"

"Ehhhh?" This caught you by surprise, this girl was really helpful.

"Hey there mister Taishiro! I'm Rosey!" The girl named Rosey extended her hand up as far as she could to shake Taishiro's hand. He happily bent down to shake the kids hand, his golden eyes gleamed with gentle emotions.

"Hello Rosey, nice to meet you. I see that you've made friends with this lovely young lady" Taishiro glanced up to catch your gaze, you still couldn't believe that this was the pro hero Fatgum, who was known to be FAT not SKINNY.

"Yes! She's nice!" Rosey smiled widely at the both of you, her hands clapped together as she danced around happily. "Momma! I've made new friends!" The girl turned to a woman that stepped out of the restroom, her face was pale.

"How nice! I'm sorry that I can't stay, but I must go. I'm afraid I'm under the weather at the moment. Here, maybe I can chat with you later?" The nice lady handed you some sort of business card, it read Tilly Lupine. You nodded thanks before saying bye to Rosey, who was whining about not being able to hang out any longer.

"So... your actually...Taishiro-San?" You pivoted on your heels to face the male that stood in silence, his smile widened at that.

"Yes, why would I lie?" Taishiro leaned forward with a tease in his voice, you cocked an eyebrow up at how he was acting. "I wore myself out on an unexpected fight with a few villains during paperwork time"

"Ah, I-"

"Ayyyeee! Baby girl, Tall Dude! The movie is about to play!" Ukai interrupted by accident, his green and blue eyes flashed with anticipation as he forced Taishiro and you into the theater.

"I thought Fatgum was going to come?" Ukai whispered softly as he stared up at Taishiro, who was sitting beside you.

"It's him, trust me. He is just exhausted is all" You murmured the words back to your silver and black haired friend, he nodded slowly, he was clearly confused with the situation.

"Taishiro? Mind if I cling to you if the movie gets scary?" You peeked up to look the older male in the eyes, Taishiro stared back down and nodded, his signature smile crossed his lips.

"I'm pretty sure a PG-13 movie isn't scary, but if you do get scared, your welcome to hold onto me" Taishiro politely patted his arm, you smirked to yourself when the movie intro started up.

"Thank you cutie" You stopped the obnoxious smile that wanted to rise to surface when you saw Taishiro's cheeks flush pink, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously when you grabbed his arm.

"Erm- your welcome chickadee" Taishiro kept his golden eyes on the movie theater screen, you finally tore your gaze from his face to watch along side him. Ukai, of course, put his hand on your free hand and squeezed tightly, his lips twitched into a sly smile.

"Both of your crushes right here beside you!" Ukai whispered into your ear before sitting back down and watching the movie that was playing. You smiled inwardly when a blush arose into your cheeks.

"Tai~shi~rooo, your so warm!" You murmured the words half to yourself, the male you held onto tensed a little when you leaned your head against his broad shoulder. The movie was entertaining, but you couldn't help the heated feeling you had, the fire deep into you only grew bigger when Taishiro wrapped his arm around your shoulders; He smiled widely when you squeaked up at him.

"Well, I guess I can share some of my warmth with you" Taishiro gripped your shoulder gently, his adorable face lit up with happiness when you chuckled. That's not the only warmth I want... Your thoughts lingered inside your mind the whole time you sat in the theater, Ukai noticed your behavior and nudged you with his knee.

"You good?" Ukai narrowed his green and blue eyes at you with suspicion when you nodded aggressively. He obviously knew something was wrong, but he didn't address it.

I got horny so quick, gotta survive the rest of the night without releasing The Great Flood!

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