<Chapter 5>

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It had been three sunrises, Alder'Paw was laying in the medicine cat den. Staring off into his thoughts. "Alder'Paw!" Ridge'Jaw's panic mew broke through his thoughts, causing him to look at her. He had been in a bad mood since the conformation. "Yes Ridge'Jaw?" He sighed, trying to remain calm. He didn't blame her, he only blamed his father and probably other cats. "It's Hare'Poppy! Come see!" She replied before disappearing, Alder'Paw blinked and stood up. He padded out of the den and saw a few cats crowding, with a cat laying on the ground with a bloody looking lower spine. He stiffened and picked up his pace, he shouldered his way through.

His eyes widened when he saw Hare'Poppy laying there, unconscious, her breathing was shallow and slow. "Get her to the den, quick!" He ordered, he felt panic rising in him but he needed to stay calm and strong for his clanmates. Bark'Paw was staring in horror as Spotted'Pelt and Rye'Wing carefully picked up the young warrior and took her into the medicine cat den. "Will she be okay?!" Bark'Paw asked frantically, but Alder'Paw had no response, and dashed into the den.

He suddenly wished that Ash'Flight was here to help him, he never took care of a paralyzed cat before. "Spotted'Pelt, If she ever wakes up, I want you to grab some prey." He began, glancing at the warriors. "Rye'Wing, get some wet moss." He ordered before turning to the herb storage and grabbed some cobwebs, he then applied the cobwebs on her spine. Hoping the bleeding would stop. He heard Rye'Wing and Spotted'Pelt quickly bounced out to do their orders from him. 'Should I really leave? I only have two sunrises left. I better make the best of it.' He thought grimly,

"W - Will she survive?" He glanced over to see Daisy'Paw, she looked shaken as he continued to apply cobwebs on Hare'Poppy's lower spine. "I - I'm. . .not sure Daisy'Paw." He replied hesitantly, he felt sick to his stomach. Even he didn't know what's gonna happen to her. "Please let her be okay! I don't wanna lose my best friend!" She wailed, her wail made his heart sank.

He started to have second thoughts about leaving in two sunrises, but he knew he had to, even if it hurt his heart to know that he might be leaving the life he had loved behind. "I won't lose her." He hissed, suddenly feeling more determined then ever to make Daisy'Paw happy.

Or happy enough at least. "What's going on in here?" Thistle'Star's deep voice broke in, Alder'Paw didn't respond as he turned away and grabbed marigold. He chewed them up into a pulp and applied it onto her wound. "Hare'Poppy was injured!" Daisy'Paw exclaimed, her voice was shaking with fear and grief. Thistle'Star looked at his son then at Hare'Poppy, "How did this happen?" He demanded, glaring lightly at Alder'Paw. "I don't know. Ask the hunting patrol." Alder'Paw shot back, as he continued to focus on Hare'Poppy.

Thistle'Star growled and bounded out, Alder'Paw then sat back on his haunches. "Okay, Daisy'Paw, could you add more marigold or oak leaves to her lower spine? And if she wakes up, with any pain, give her poppy seeds. Two or one should be fine." He meowed to the shaking young apprentice, "I'm going to see what happened to her." He explained before padding out, seeing the hunting patrol had wide eyes and pelts bristling. "What happened?" Thistle'Star growled, sitting down. "Well. . .a fox jump on us but Hare'Poppy was near the fox den, so when it jumped, it's paw landed on her and. . .this happened." Explained Snake'Dawn, her voice trembling slightly.

Alder'Paw frowned thoughtfully, "Where was the Fox?" Pine'Stride asked, his face was serious. "Near Shadow'Clan's border." Swift'Ripple answered, "Me, Feather'Heart and Wild'Ripple chased it off of our territory and onto theirs." He explained, Alder'Paw felt slightly relieved that they didn't chase it off onto Wind'Clan territory. "Good, now it's a job for Shadow'Clan to deal with it." Pine'Stride mewed, Wild'Ripple frowned. "Don't know why we didn't kill it though!" He huffed as Kestrel'Paw shuddered.

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