Chapter 2

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This is more of a filler chapter so you know how Sang ended things in Russia and it gives you a little information on the agency she worked for. 

The next chapter will be longer. Don't forget to comment and tell me how you like the story so far.

Sangs Pov-

I watch the girl in front of me warily, Karen and I have been best friends since we were both recruited and went to training together. But it's always been our organization before friendships or even family. Relationships are highly frowned upon in our institution. You need to always be ready to lay your life down. Hell our motto is "Memento Mori"

The life of a spy i suppose.

"How did you find me?" I say. Lowering my gun only slightly.

She looks at me for a long moment before doing the same.

"Did you really think I didn't know about this place, Songbird? I've been your only friend for ten years." I cringe slightly at the use of the nickname she knows i hate.

"How?" I ask shocked.

She shrugs, and says simply, "I followed you here once. I was curious as to where you always disappear to when you aren't on a mission."

She's quiet for a moment until she says,"I had an idea that you would end up here before you needed to leave Russia."

My only answer is nodding my head.

"I was framed Karen."

"I know."

I take a deep breath, wondering how she knows?


"I know you Songbird you're overly cautious on every mission you couldn't have made a mistake like that. Things don't add up. No matter how much you didn't like our work sometimes i knew what Novikov was telling everyone couldn't be true"

Ivan Novikov is the leader of our agency and a retired agent himself. He has always had something against me. I think it's because I'm one of the top agents and a woman. He has always felt that a woman's place is in the house serving her husband like a good little wife. Cleaning and having kids when the husband deems necessary. God, I feel sorry for that awful man's wife.

He's tried to get me kicked from the agency a couple of times. Not to be arrogant but I'm an invaluable asset.

A ghost.

So obviously it didn't work.

He's reported me if my report for a mission was an hour late or if there was a problem with a mission I was on he would blame me for it.

When reporting me didn't work he just resorted to making my life hell by giving me missions with no time in advance to prepare or making me stay extra late in the office to go over my already written report I handed in because he said there were typos.

Shocking news there weren't any.

"What has he been saying about me?"

She smirks slightly but it looks forced. "Just that you are selling information to enemy organizations and that you were a double agent and now you're on the top of our KOS List."

My face is cold and neutral as I look at her.

If only she knew the truth.

I'm not surprised about being put on the Kill On Site List. All the more reason to leave Russia now before i have a bullet in the back of my head.

Tucking my gun in my waistband I turn my back on her.

I trust her not to shoot me

I hope.

I walk over to my duffels and grabbing them I drop it when I put to much strain on my shoulder, wincing slightly.

"You need to take care of your shoulder before you bleed out," Karen says.

Instead of responding I walked over to the back wall pulling a First Aid Kit out and peeling off my shirt to look at the wound.

"I have a gift for you Songbird." I spare her a glance before going back to cleaning and dressing the wound. I won't have time for stitches i'll have to make do till i'm in the states.

"What is it'' I ask cautiously, her humor is even more disturbing than mine. I've gotten some weird things over the years such as a stuffed mouse for christmas one year because she wanted me to have a memento to remember her by if she died on a mission.

She pulls something out of her coat pocket before wordlessly handing it to me.

I look at the flash drive she handed me.

"What's on it?"

"Everything I could get on your previous mission you may need to leave Russia but hopefully with this you can catch the bastard who framed you and come back without being shot on site." she replies.

I look up at her with tears in my eyes, she's always been there for me and I don't know what I'll do without her. We've been on missions without each other but it's different knowing we may not see eachother again.

"I will miss you" I say quietly.

"As will i Songbird"


After me and Karen parted ways I finished wrapping my wound and gathering my duffel bags and laptop before going to the airport.

I can't trust public flights right now they will be looking for me.

Mulling it over I decide I'm not in any shape to fly my jet right now like i normally would. I have too many things to do and I need sleep. So i call my old friend to pilot me to South Carolina

We had a brief conversation exchanging pleasantries before we boarded and were up in the air.

Pulling out my laptop I start my work.

South Carolina here I come.

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