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The look in her eyes was different from what he had known before, the warm gaze she would give him before, the one he had hoped to see was now colder than eyes.

He took a step forward to her, but she took two steps backwards.

The look of his surprised face made her satisfied, but even with her satisfaction, the aching pain in her heart was still there. She did not understand her heart, even after years of hating him, he would still influence her.

Even after stepping two steps, she wanted to walk for steps to him.

"Seo Na mi, can't we go back to the way we were?"

She scoffs at his request, "go back to the way we were? I don't want you anymore, don't ever look for me anymore Jeon Wonwoo."

"Seo Nami, I'm sorry I –"

She could only look at him in disbelief, she walks away from him. Her steps her heavy as tears was starting to drop one by one, but she kept herself strong. She's not willing to fall for it.

Until a voice reaches out.

"Seo Na mi, you don't know how I stay up most nights thinking of you while trying not to think about you! Missing you while trying not to miss you, but it was always you."

She could only smile, glancing behind, "Well, I guess it's too late because I don't like – no – I don't love you anymore."

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