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Chapter 6: A night with you know who

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Chapter 6: A night with you know who.

                  "So you went into the store and decide to buy – how much is this – a $390 Gucci wallet, "Ji won asked, and Nami nods. Ji won looks at the wallet then back to her friend, who seems to be more depressed than losing a chance to have a photoshoot with Brad Pitt last year.

"I don't get it. Am I missing something here?" Ji won asked, "You somehow meet your ex-doubleganger, and now you think you're crazy, so you went inside the store 'thinking about him and decided to buy a wallet?"

"You just made me sound like I'm crazy, Ji...." Nami groans. The two ladies we currently in a restaurant after shopping. After Ji won waited 30 minutes for her friend to appear, she begins walking out of the store, afraid knowing her friend might be in danger. Instead, she saw her friend sitting down by the fountain, looking depressed, holding onto a Gucci bag.

"Nami... you look crazy. I don't seem to think there's a problem. You told me your ex left you, right?" Nami then shoots out of her chair as she looks at her friend.

"He's not my ex – we were never a thing – it was always one side, I just thought about him, and I thought he would like this," Nami holds up the bag, "I couldn't believe I still think about him after not meeting him for how long? 7-8 years?"

"It sounds like you still love him, Seo Nami...." Ji won looks at her friend.

"I don't... you know that right, the reason why I'm here right now, I'm over him, but why – "

"Why is your heart still beating for him?" Ji won sits back, "The person looks like your ex, and you somehow have a mental breakdown over his doubleganger. How you are sure you're not going to pass out when you meet him?" Ji won, chuckle at her friend.

"I don't know... I probably wouldn't even see him. I'm not planning on going back to Korea Ji – I refuse to be in the same country as him. Look! I'm not even there, and I'm delusional over some doubleganger of his, "Nami solidly face her head to the side of the table.

Ji won is one of those few friends Nami had told about Wonwoo, not his name. She had a distaste in mentioning his name, and Ji won understand. Hence, she never pesters the guy who manages to make Seo Nami like this.

She doesn't know whether she needed to punch the guy's face for making a huge trauma on Nami's life. Who wouldn't? The girl had never dared to confess her feelings. She was as hard-headed as a rock. Every time a guy tried to hit on her, numbers ended in the trash can or worst, she would glare at every guy coming closer to her.

Or should Ji won congratulate the guy because he was someone affecting Nami? Knowing the impact, he must be meant a lot to Nami. How handsome is he that Nami even refuses a date with Shawn Mendes? Now look who Mendes ended with? That could have been Nami's position if she didn't have a rock as a head. (Nohate on camilla cause she rocks lol, story purpose)

"The more you deny your attraction to someone, is the exact reason why you need to do a crosscheck because you're still in love, "Ji won said. "Whether you like it or not, you're going to face him someday, but it depends on how you handle it."

Nami was still sulking because she knew Ji won was right. It was no mystery that Nami has some little feelings for the latter. After all, she had spent half of her school life looking out for him, cheering him up and always 24/7 by his side. She was happy, he was her happy place, but when he decided that he no longer needed it, he had thrown her to the curb.

It should have made her mad and even a chance to curse him out, but instead, her heart soften, and all she could do was let him leave like that. No, she had walked out because she couldn't do anything else.

"Come on, Nami, let's go. Rather than sulking at him, we should enjoy our night! It's your birthday, besides you need beauty sleep, you don't want to look like a monster for tomorrow's concert!" Nami could only groan as Ji won picks her friend up.

"Can we not go?"

"Are you seriously going to miss a chance to see handsome and talented men up on stage?" Nami was going to answer, but Ji won has another plan. She slaps her hand to Nami's mouth as they walk their way back to their condo.


"I still don't understand, you K-pop fans. The concert starts at 6 pm, but why are we getting ready at 7 am in the morning?" Nami was tired, hell she was not ready for tonight's fiasco, Nami was dead asleep when they reach home, Ji won was staying over, as pre-concert vibes she said.

Nami had hoped that she could at least enjoy a morning to herself as she finishes the photos. Nami needed to edit the Kardashians picture yesterday. Still, of course, Lee Ji won has another plan. She woke Nami up at 7 am to usher her for a quick breakfast because she would be running involve such a big breakfast or a potential stomachache.

Currently, she was munching on the granola cereal while Ji won was at the bathroom getting ready. Ji won was brilliant when she had asked Nami to take the bathroom first because she knows Nami will surely fall asleep if she didn't.

After Ji won, she made Nami into braids and into a simple hair tie. The preparation of the two girls was ready around 9 am. Then Ji won begins dragging them to the mall to get some stuff from there. Ji won had packed pre-concert supplies for Nami since she knows her friend will be helpless if they went into a war zone empty-handed.

"Right... the concert will start at 6, but the venue will be opened from 4 pm. Right now, we need to get some things from the store since you don't look like you've been to any concert, your photographer, and you've never taken a chance to go to any concert to find great pictures?" Ji won looks at Nami, who shakes her head.

"I'm a studio photographer, not a festival one...." Nami grumbles, "Are you sure I can take pictures there?"

"Well, no and yes –"Ji won lies. This is where Ji won is smart. Ji won knew if she told Nami if she could take pictures with her phone as her memory, she wouldn't drag her to another concert.

"Ji won..."

"No time... mall now!" Dragging Nami's body to the entrances. 


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