And they're like, it's better than yours

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This one-shot is the "milky" version of my Cowmaeda work, and it's an idea I had one day while in a cuddly mood, starting off just like the "shaky" version, so if you want to know how this one could end instead, check the "shake" version out! It's already up when you read this! Enjoy!

(Aside from the two songs you'll find linked when it fits, I listened to the Omori playlist while writing, so if you want a more audible experience I recommend you play this<3 )


„I'm going out now!"

„Have fun son! Also, please drive carefully, Hajime!"

"I will, mum!"

Hajime swiftly jumped into his car, a wacky four-wheeled bug vehicle that he got as a present for his 18th birthday last month, starting the engine with a triumphant farting sound, before leaving his garage driveway to drive along. It was a sunny day like any other this June, yet somehow it had to be this exact day, that day when Hajime's mother found his son up and about earlier than she was, which had been as likely as elephants flying high, that day when his father found him making breakfast for everyone at 6 am sharp, as likely as elephants not only flying but doing their taxes (better than you), it was at that exact day that Hajime felt like it would be the perfect weekend for him to take his very well earned "self-finding trip".

He took it upon himself, and only himself, to experience an adventure completely on his own. You know, it was one of those enlightenment phases a young adult would inevitably face at some point, in which one wanted to see all of the world and all its disgusting nooks and crannies. Maybe he'd even get a better grasp of who he was. A destination? Hopefully somewhere fucking cool, that's what he had planned. Maybe he'd find a cool city to stroll around the weekend, or he'd stumble across an ancient temple or something, hell, who knew? He's planned this solo summer trip ever since new year's, so he had enough money saved up to lavishly spend.

He would have to leave town once summer vacation was over, anyway. The prestigious school in the big faraway city was practically screaming his name, he could hear it already. But until then, he needed to make use of all the freedom and time he had left, before college life would take the best of him. And his youth. And his mental health. Jkjk.

"Like hell am I gonna end up like those miserable losers that only whine about how they wasted their best years in their rooms with what, unread books, screens, and depression? Nuh-uh, so not me."

"Freaks" by Surf Curse was blasting through his DIY built-in sound system, and he sang along to every line like he had written them himself. Winding down all the four windows, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the beginning hours of his ride towards neverland.



He forgot to call his bestie, Nanami, before leaving. She wanted to hang out with him before his trip, Soda had also wanted to give him something that may come in handy if his car ever had a breakdown. Probably a pair of pliers or something, that's all Soda could rave about at any rate, Hajime was sure of it. Now, did he put his phone in his bag on the passenger's seat, or did he stuff it away in the trunk? It was too late to turn back now, anyway, but he at least wanted to message them a quick "bye bitches".

Slurping on his Fanta-cup from McDonald's until there was nothing left, he puts it down before leaning over to cram around his bag, trying to find his lost cell. He was speeding at 80 miles per hour, his hands fiddling, one on the wheel, the other fondling his bag. Yeah, he definitely put it in the trunk, fucking idiot, Hajime. Why would he pack his cell where he could only access it during pee breaks? Smh.

My Milkshake brings Hajime to the yard (Milk-Version) - Cowmaeda One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now