2 - Ease my mind

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Andrew had just left the hospital after his shift ended, now already an attending for two weeks, as he noticed Meredith appearing next to him, on her way to the parking lot as well.

"Hey." He tried to put on a small smile for her. It had been a difficult day or a difficult week, but seeing her always made it just a little better.

"Hey, you okay?" She looked up at him, as she joined him on their way to their cars.

"Yeah." He sighed "Just an exhausting day. You?" He asked her genuinely.

"Me too." She gave him a small smile before she carefully took his arm, making them stop, turning towards him "How are you really doing?" She asked softly, this time the slight worry audible in her voice.

"It's- It's a hard week..." Andrew started before he took a deep breath "My mom's birthday would have been this week... And with everything that happened... it caused a lot of thinking... about my childhood and my time with her."

Meredith gave him a small understanding smile before she took a step closer towards him, looking up at him as if to ask him whether it was okay if she came closer. When he nodded she brought her hands around him and gently embraced him, letting her hands rest on his back while she felt how he slowly leaned into the embrace she was offering, hugging her back towards him.

"Let me come with you tonight? I'm tested negative." She whispered as she slightly pulled away to be able to look at him, wiping away a small tear that was rolling down his face.

Most days I wake up with a pit in my chest
There are thoughts that I can't put to rest
There's a worry that I can't place

Most nights, I am restless and quiet won't come
So I lay there and wait for the sun
There's a trouble that won't show its face

You came out of nowhere
And you cut through all the noise
I make sense to the madness
When I listen to your voice



"Hey. Andrew? Andrew, it's over. Maggie said she'll call us if there are any changes." - Meredith

"I don't- I can't- I don't know what's going on." - Andrew

"Okay, okay. Can we just go home? Let's go home, Okay? Come on." - Meredith

He felt her hand on his arm, caressing it slightly, bringing him out of his trance of thoughts just as much to notice her talking to him. What was happening to him?

He couldn't think clearly. He didn't understand.

Meredith tried to help him up and he did his best to focus on that task as much as he could until he was standing, and Meredith brought her arm around him, holding him close to her.

Darling, only you can ease my mind
Help me leave these lonely thoughts behind
When they pull me under,
And I can feel my sanity start to unwind
Darling, only you can ease my mind

Once they arrived at Meredith's house, she helped him out of her car and inside her house. She brought him to her couch, helping him to sit down there before he heard her say something to him, and then she disappeared into the kitchen.

A few moments later he noticed that she had come back, as he felt her hand on his arm, slightly caressing it to get his attention.

"Hey, Andrew... Here is some water. Try to drink at least a few sips." He heard her soft voice, trying to encourage him, while she was looking at him worried but with a small smile on her face.

Ease my mind | MerlucaWhere stories live. Discover now