5 - Imagine

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I changed the ending of the last chapter a little, so it fits a bit better :)



A few days after their conversation at the hospital, Meredith came over to his apartment. Andrew had invited her for dinner at his place.

And now he finally had her in his arms again, while he laid next to her, facing her while he carefully put a strand of hair back behind her ear, caressing her cheek before he leaned over to put a small kiss onto her lips. When he leaned back again, he saw the smile on Meredith's face, having to smile himself.

He didn't lose all the people he loved as he thought. They were still with him. Meredith was still here. In his arms, smiling at him. He knew his sister was still there for him as well. Just his mom... She wasn't there anymore. He missed her so much, but he knew in some way she would always be with him.

"What are you thinking about?" He heard Meredith asking him softly while he felt her hand caressing over his arm until she reached his hand, taking it in hers. He hadn't noticed he had gotten lost in his thoughts until he had heard her voice.

"My mom..." He sighed slightly, looking at the ceiling for a moment before he looked back at Meredith.

"You loved her a lot, right?"

"Yeah..." He had to smile a little "She would have loved you. All she wanted for me was to be happy, to find love and be happy... I wish she could have met you." He felt how Meredith carefully wiped away a single tear that rolled down his cheek before she came a little closer to embrace him.

They stayed in silence for a moment while Meredith gave him the space to go through his thoughts, just being there for him.

After a while she felt how Andrew put a small kiss to her head before he put a little space between them, so he could look at her.

"Would you... think I'm crazy if I were to tell you that I want my mom to meet you." He started a little hesitantly. When he saw Meredith looking at him a bit confused he added quietly "There's a place I like to go to when I want to talk to my mom."

He felt how she leaned in to kiss him before she answered "I don't think you're crazy, she is someone who is important to you, Andrew. And yes, I would come with you if you want that." She gave him a small smile.

Your eyes give life a new meaning
It's like I found the North Lights
I never knew what I needed
Until I felt your hand holding mine

Yeah, you say I'm your hero
But you are the one that saved me
If I ever lost you
I'd fall to my knees

I can't imagine my life without you
I can't imagine one night without you
If something happened, don't know what I'd do
I can't imagine, I can't imagine my life without you



'It's okay wanting to be alone for some time. But don't keep the people close to you away out of fear. It's okay to let them help you and be there for you.' Something his mom used to say to him after they moved to the states when he closed himself off after his  classmates started to make fun of him. She had always taught him that he was allowed to have his own space, but that he also had people around him who loved him. People who were there to help him. At that time he didn't know how much her words would help him one day.

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