3 - So will I

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Knock knock


Andrew slowly woke up at the sounds coming from his door, too confused to make any sense out of it. At his attempt to open his eyes, he needed a moment to realize where he had fallen asleep the night before.

And then he felt a small smile form on his lips at the sensation of having someone next to him. Not just some one, but Meredith, the one person who could still make him feel all these things.
They were both laying at the opposite sides of the couch, and yet it was the closest they have been in months. He couldn't remember how long they stayed up, just talking, but at the same time it was so much more than that; they must've fallen asleep at some point. The couch wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep on together, it just was way too small, but having her next to him... It made it all worth it. He just hoped it wasn't too uncomfortable for her, but by the way she seemed to still be peacefully asleep it didn't seem like it was.


This time he was awake enough to know who it was and where it was coming from. His sister. He groaned before he quickly looked at his clock, only to confirm that they were incredibly late already. He sighed, before he carefully sat up and then moved a little closer to Meredith.

"Hey." He started softly, while he caressed her arm slightly, to wake her up. "We need to get up, Mer." He got a small sigh as response before he noticed how she slowly opened her eyes, needing a few moments to realize where she was.

"Andrea, I know you are there. Open your door."

"Carina?" Meredith asked, still a little confused, and maybe not completely awake yet.

"Yeah... She's... checking in on me once or twice a week." He answered a little hesitantly.

Knock knock knock knock knock

"You should let her in." He felt how Meredith put her hand on his knee, obviously having noticed his slight uncomfort, and at the same time having to chuckle a little at Carina's insistence, while she slowly put herself up in a sitting position.

"Just wanted to wake you up first." He slightly smiled at her.

"Thank you." She answered whispering, returning his smile, staying in this moment for a few seconds until they heard Carina again, making Andrew stand up while rolling his eyes as he went towards the door.

"I'm coming! I'm fine! And you don't need to wake up the whole neighborhood." He answered before Carina could start another attempt.

"What took you so long?"

"I-" He didn't need to try to explain what took him so long, because by the look Carina gave him just a few seconds later, he knew that she has already seen Meredith in his apartment.

"Hi, Meredith."

"Hi, Carina." Meredith greeted her, as she took her things, getting ready to leave. And a part of his heart got mad at Carina for interrupting this morning, but he knew that even if she hadn't come, Meredith had to leave for work, and he also knew that this evening and night they spent together didn't mean that everything would be again like it once was.

"I need to go." Meredith stated softly as she gave them a small smile and then went towards the door. Andrew followed her outside for a moment, not just wanting her to go like that.

"Mer." She stopped in front of him. "Thank you for coming over, yesterday."

She gave him her smile, getting wider the longer she looked at him, her eyes smiling with her. And it told more than any words could.

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