Chapter 17

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"where are you going fei?" Josh who's her right man asked.

"Anywhere but here" fei replied rudely.

"You are not messing anything up with that rude attitude of yours!! Shut the fuck up & sit the hell down!!" Josh yelled at her.

"Josh? Is this the you I know or the you behind the mask you've worn all this year's? How dare you speak to me that way Josh?" Fei asked surprised at Josh changed behavior.

"Enough of all this nonsense!!! Today's the big day & plans are being carried out. You better play your part right or else you won't like what the boss would do to you if you mess anything up!" Josh replied with an irritated look.

"But I am your boss Josh!!" Fei yelled at him.

"Not anymore" Josh replied & walked out on her.


"Dear, you, zhange & Jiyang will be will be moving to our safest hideout. For safety measures we are also assigning special bodyguards & underground spies to make sure you all reach the hideout safely" James said as he looked at both Jiyangs & Sonia's shocked face. They were currently in zhanges room.

"You can't just make such a big decision about us on your own!! It's not fair at all" Jiyang replied looking angry.

"Sorry Jiyang but it's for the best. I don't want anything happening to any of you. My mistake is the reason zhange is currently in this state. I want all of you to be safe & sound away from harm" yibo said thoughtfully.

"What about you guys? Are you both bullet proof? What about sticking & coming up with a solution together?" Sonia asked looking at James with a hurt face.

"It's not......"James was interrupted.

"*Sigh* save it. Jiyang let's go & do as they've said" Sonia said & together she & Jiyang left James who was trying to talk to Sonia but only got the door as a befitting reply.

"It's not what you think" James whispered as he looked broken at the door.

"It's for the best James" yibo said as he was now looking at zhanges pale sleeping face.

"To keep them safe" James who now joined him replied.

Few hours later

"They're are already at the hideout,safe & sound" James said to yibo.

"Zhange?" Yibo asked.

"Yibo I really don't know if what I felt was my imagination but while he was being moved, I held his hands in mine & it felt like his fingers moved" James replied confused.

"Moved? That's a good sign James!!! Let's go & see if he's awake!!" Yibo yelled happily at James. He was about to rush out but James stopped him.

"Jiyang confirmed it yibo. He's still unconscious & will stay that way for some time more" James replied.

"You are lying!! I......want to be there when he wakes up James, I want to be there ......" Yibo stuttered as fresh tears came out of his eyes.

"Let's not give up hope yibo. He will surely wake up but first let's take out trash that will surely harm him first" James said as he hugged yibo.

After yibo calmed down they both waited for fei to show up but she didn't.

"Everything is ready boss. The first warehouse is all clear for destruction" xue yang who's now with yibo & James in the tech room said.

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