Nvm you sexy 😫

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The streets are quite busy this time around. Ever since the first bombing happened things have been a little hectic in the city of New Orleans. Turning down the main road I head to my entrance hidden by the bustling people. My eyes gleamed when noticing the sky on this very day was full of clouds and anticipation due to storms from the previous night. I felt little raindrops on my skin as the women in high penciled skirts walked past with their umbrella fans. Finally, I headed inside my victorian European styled house, letting my feet drag against the textile flooring. The smell of beignets filled my cherry rashed nose as I walked down the hall towards the comfy kitchen ahead. My eyes wandered over to my cook, Aura'Ann, as she beautifully bakes my favorite treat. Aura-Anns hair was tied into a gold knot on her head with her gown flowing down to her hips. When you look around the kitchen the first thing that catches your eye is the poster of Mister Kennedy, the man the same who just was chosen to run this country. All of a sudden the room goes dark and ringing plays through the air like a melancholy tune on repeat. Then the crash.   

    I awake in a brightly lit room. My emerald eyes wander across the dozen of doctors standing over my crimson soaked bed. It smells of cleaning products and mild dust, I could tell it was in the air surrounding me. A man with a crow's nest on his head caught my eyes as he seemed to fill a tube, connected to my olive skin.  You could tell there was tension in the air and fear. I just hoped they hadn't found out who I was yet. "Ms. Candelette, is it?" the doctor in yellow soft scrubs asked me so calmly. "Yes," I mumbled afraid of the unknown or possibly known. One of the fluorescent lights busted before the doctor could fumble out the question I knew was coming. The glass covering fell onto the rotten tile floor before my wandering eyes could blink. The ones with amber eyes, sullen faces, and crocodile tears were here. My mind prepared its self for the lies to be told from my cherry lips. A noise so familiar banged down the fairly dim hallway, everyone seemed to be nervous; chewing on their lips and legs staggering. Silence reigned over the hospital and over my thoughtful mind, they're here.

  The world turned black as my officer in command approached my bedside dressed in normal attire. It seemed almost reminiscent of the times spent in Florence, Italy before the disastrous war. My commander would never expose himself unless it is dire. I threw the cotton sheet off of me and tore the clear tube right out of the crease of my arm. Blood dripped down my skin letting a contrast be noticeable but I was set on the dark-haired man in charge. Ignoring the doctor's requests, the commander and I side by side walked calmly down the dim hallway. Sweat dripped down my now glistening forehead as I awaited his words. We reached what I hoped to be daylight but was an obvious gray smoke surrounding us. War has begun, not for the US but for all humanity. Yet I'm sure if we solved this in time humanity would have their simple minds cleared. My bare feet dragged against the gravel and crushed rocks underneath them. As I looked over to my commander I felt a sense of dread thinking back onto Aura-Ann. Her excellent baking skills would be missed as well as her humming tunes on a Sunday afternoon. I was pulled back by my polyester ridden gown of grey. "Shall we discuss your mess-ups or bring our attention to the problem on hand?" Commander stated so silently. Peering down at my feet I tried to not stumble on my words, "Let's solve this first, then address me, Sir." He nodded with a smirk. I felt the dread leave my tinder face and bring about a straight line on my lips. We had been crucially fighting with these creatures for decades upon decades. The air was contaminated by their malfeasance. Thousands of dead soldiers lye on the streets covered in the green oil that would destroy this planet. All of a sudden my eyes turn slightly and the flash went off, blinding me. Lying on the ground taking my last breath as I felt the air leave from my lungs and the sight of all leave my emerald eyes. I was darkened.  In the blink of an eye, it was all gone. Rising up from a cushioned surface I saw Aura-Ann above me with the purplest flashlight I've ever seen throughout my life. She shined the bright light down my face letting me create a horrific noise from my feeble mouth. Backing away slowly she apologized for her actions when I saw a tear seep through her eyelashes. Calmly I told her it's okay as I stumbled to her, covering my eye. The deadly war it was only a dream. Sighing and taking a seat on the now known red cushion in my home I realized that another PTSD dream hit me. This time I could sense the smell and touch in the dream. My horrors were becoming deadlier through my dreaming. The crash that made a boastful sound was a leaky pipe I intend to fix immediately. On my way to get my tools I stopped around the milk painted corner and comforted Aura-Ann. This was only the beginning of my troubles the unmerciful dreaming will become more terrifying from here. I will be prepared as long as the beautiful blonde lady was there to guide me. I headed up to my room taking each step carefully as the ringing in my ear from the crash stopped. Turning the corner my eyes laid on the toolbox I was to be searching around my comforting home for. A baby yellow note was attached to the top of the box stating "Wake up!-Commander" I dropped to the floor in a heap of more troubles awaiting me. The darkness now light.

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