I dont fucking know bro

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My coldness is just as cold as yours.
My heart yearns for you just as much as yours yearns for me.
Your light burns bright, well so does mine. We feel sad, mad, angry, happy, and confused.
We are the same. So why treat me differently?
Do you see me then you see yourself? How so?
Physically I am the same as you but you see us differently.
Are your eyes lying to you? Mine don't lie.
I am the same as you. I am not you but I am the same.
Does everyone see us differently? You look in the mirror and think, "There is no one like me. I'm so special." You ogle at yourself for while and think so much about your physical self.
Why can'tyou see that I am you?
I don't want to be me... I want to be you. I am you. You are me.
I envy you. You don't envy me? We are not the same. I wish we could be.
I see you when I look into the mirror. Days past and Im spent.
Dont tell me we are not the same. Please. My mind is burning. I am you.
My head is on fire. I am you. I cant see. Im not you. I cant think. I am you.
It burns. I am not me. Quench this burning fire in my brain. You are me.
Stop messing with me! I am you. I will always be you and nothing can change that!
Unless I decide that I am not me anymore.
I look in the mirror. Its too bright.
Do you see us? We are finally together.
Im glad you have accepted me. Well...us. I am the thought in your brain, I am the crying from your pain, I am the lies out of your mouth.
I am you. You are not me. You are gone.
Its just me.
Its just me.

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