The stranger (Jake x MC)

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Jake always used to say encouraging things to you.

Don't worry about it.

You can handle it. One way or another.

It remains to be patient a little more. I promise.

He spoke, and you believed in his words, his promises. Believed over and over, as if you had been drugged by a man you didn't even really know. You knew that you were being reckless in opening up to "Jake" (if that was his name - there were moments in the dialogue that made you doubt it), that Dan was might actually be right (but he would never know it!) when said to stay away from hacker boy. You understood perfectly, but every message from Jake brought warmth to your chest, a smile on your face, and those unfortunate butterflies in your stomach. In the end, as long as he opened too, everything was fine. Probably.

You winced at every "Hello, Lory" and waited until the mess with the search, the man without a face and the secrets was over.

And long-awaited day has finally arrived. The culprit had been handed over to the police, and now things were starting to get better. Hannah came to her sense in the hospital - it seems that most of the time the kidnapper kept her on some kind of medication. Jessy, with her wide circle of acquaintances, was the first to find out and quickly called the entire company. She hasn't forgotten about you, too.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Seriously, Jess, you have your own company, and I- Hannah and I hardly even know each other.

"Lory, don't be silly!" Jessy was saying hurriedly. "You came to Duskwood specifically to help safe Hannah, you've been through so much with us, and you're still trying to say we're not friends. I don't know anything! We're all going to the hospital tomorrow. See you later!"

And she hung up on you before you could argue. You knew that you had to go to Hannah and just sighed. Be in a big company... awkward. But there was no way you could explain it to Jessy.

Out of old habit, you entered the chat with your hacker, once again looked through dozens of unread messages. He hadn't been online for a long time - the bill was going on for weeks - and you weren't sure if anything would change this time. He seemed to have long since forgotten about you and your investigation. But you still couldn't hide the news.

[You, 22:15]:

Hello. You probably won't read this, but I want to say it.

Hannah came to her senses.

You almost dropped your phone when the message moved up a little, giving way to "Jake is online now."

[Jake, 22:15]:

This is good news. Thank you.

Are you going to the hospital?

He was just acting normal. It's like there weren't all those weeks when you running around the room and biting your hands, trying not to think that when he disappeared without finishing the message, he might have... Something could have happened to him. It remained to do the same.

[You, 22:16]:

Jessy says yes 😑


[Jake, 22:16]:

Me too. We need to talk.

See you.

- Jake is now offline-

Jake's messages seemed strange to you. It was as if there was nothing familiar about them, almost native. Perhaps he was just in a hurry and didn't have time for emotions. Maybe he's still on the run. Probably just tired. You could find a hundred and one reasons for his unusual behavior, but you still worried. You spent the whole night rolling from one side to the other, trying to sleep, then staring out the window and playing with your fingers.

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