The last wish [Jake x MC, MWAF, ☠️]

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Warning: death

The forest was noisy around him, and cars occasionally passed by, but Jake tried to ignore it. He listened, trying to extract something suspicious or wrong from the natural orchestra. He was still being wanted, and it was a mistake to get out on a deserted road, he knew, but after a few sleepless nights, getting lost in the woods was easy. Along the way, he at least had a chance to get to the town and really hide among other people.

The phone vibrated, the only thing that still kept him in touch with reality. Mel. Mel kept texting him every day - whether it was news of the investigation or a simple "hi, how are you?" and Jake couldn't find the words to describe how grateful he was to her for that. More often than not, he couldn't reply to the messages, hoping that at least that way these guys wouldn't track her. But he could afford to break his own rules now and respond to her messages at least a few days later. Mel was worried about him, and the thought warmed him. That anyone in the world could care about him at all is an unusual and strange idea.

Before answering, he held the phone to his chest for a few seconds - a gesture that was a little strange, but seemed necessary.

Can we talk a little?
Just like before. You know, the weather, the island.

Jake, do you just want to talk to me?
Do you have time for this?

Honestly, no.
I'm even now writing to you while on the road.
It's just that something unusual is happening to me, I can't focus on something, I'm constantly thinking about one person.

About Hannah? I know I can't get her out of my head, either

No, not about Hannah. About you.

Unexpected. Very, very unexpected
I didn't think you were even remotely interested in me, but if it's so serious that you're willing to waste your precious time on me, I'm fine with it. Of course we can talk

I've read your messages. Each of them.
And the ones you sent to Nymos, too.

I've already realized that you've seen my shame and blushed enough. Finish it

I was pleased.
Thank you.
How was your day?

Oh... it wasn't that bad. And you... how was your day?

The pursuers still haven't caught me, so I can call it a good one :)

Look... why do I feel like you worry about something and you're trying to hide it?

Jake stopped and listened - for a few moments he thought he heard footsteps behind him, but now he couldn't make out anything like that. And only the sounds of nature around. He sighed and walked forward again, turning his attention to the phone.

To be honest, I thought a lot while I was hiding, and I realized that the investigation brought us very close.
I'll do anything to protect you. But I am not omnipotent and...
What would you do if I didn't come back one day, Mel?

I'll turn the whole damn world upside down and inside out, but I'll find you

I was hoping you'd promise to be careful and not risk yourself.

Naive boy 😘

I have to go, Mel.

But you're not leaving me, are you? I mean, not forever

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