Sleep for weak (Jake x MC)

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You slowly, looking around, walked up the stairs, climbing floor after floor, climbing up to the roof. It's so hard to believe that it's all over, that it's been months since you were able to find Hannah, help arrest the kidnapper, and save Jake. Still you were the one who was in some sense affected by his actions many years ago, and you were the one who could claim that you had no complaints. That helped a little.

Jake was no longer hidden behind a veil of mystery. And you should admit, you liked him even more that way.

Now you could finally come to visit your friend. Or ask for help, don't afraid immediately after that one of you will be arrested up by the police.

It all started when your laptop started to slow down and restart. Without thinking twice, you asked Jake to help. Well, actually, it was more of an excuse to see him again. You knew that, and you suspected that he did, too. But since he agreed, you ran, checking your watch and your address at the same time. It seems like you would have a little time...

You stopped in the stairwell, took a small round mirror out of your bag, and looked doubtfully at your reflection. You didn't look as bad as you might have after your unaccustomed trip to the fifteenth floor. Only your breath was coming in short gasps and cheeks were flushed. You straightened your hair a little and only then pressed the bell button.

Jake didn't open it right away. You were almost sure that he had first looked at the stairwell through the peephole for a long time, making sure that you were alone. A habit developed over the years could not disappear so easily.

"Hi, Lucy."

"Good to see you."

You finally got to see him. In baggy dark grey pants and a simple sweatshirt - that's exactly who did not prepare for this meeting, as for a date. But something else caught your attention more: a half-eaten banana in Jake's hand. You giggled.

"I hope this isn't a hint of a fee for help?" you didn't take your eyes off the fruit. "I'll pay you, of course, but..."

"Lucy, I don't unders..." Jake broke off in mid-sentence, following your gaze. Maybe you just thought his cheeks were a little pink. "Anyway, come in."

You walked down the hall to a small living room. With a slight nod of the landlord's invitation, you sat down on the sofa. Jake remained standing in the distance. You noticed that he seemed to be trying to hide the unfortunate banana behind his back - you smiled, but didn't say anything.

"Show me your problem."

You took your laptop out of your special bag and handed it to Jake, rambling on about the troubles you'd faced and what you'd done before.

"I'll clean up the system, then we'll see. Give me forty minutes, and in the meantime, make yourself at home."

Your gaze slid over several boxes of things that didn't exactly add to the comfort of the room.

"Can I help you unpack?" you asked as Jake left the room. He started and turned. The corners of his mouth seemed to turn up in a smile.

"Typical Lucy," he said, shaking his head. "You always try to help everyone."

"Don't you like it?"

"I like it, I just," he paused, choosing his words. "I thought you could just make coffee by yourself."

You were pretty sure he had something else to say initially, but you didn't push it.


Jake told you to give him forty minutes, and you obediently waited, chatting with the guys and swiping the feed on social media.

Forty minutes flew by - the conversation died down, the news ended, but he still did not return. You had time to look around the room -bright and rather empty - and find a photography, torn in half, hidden behind the blinds. You could see a young black-haired woman, but you could guess who was on the severed part. How much time has past? You, who going to crazy by bored, it seemed past eternity. The clock ticking steadily overhead said you'd only waited about an hour and a half. And still it definently longer than the deadline.

Judging by the icon on the avatar, Jake was online, but did not read the messages. Those days when you were looking for Hannah together left an unhealed mark on your heart, taught you to worry about all your loved ones when they stop responding. He preferred to work alone, but it wouldn't do any harm to take a peek into his room and make sure everything was all right, would it?

Deciding so, you went down the corridor to the only closed (at least, is not the key!) door. After a moment's thought, you turned the handle.

"Jake, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting... Oh, God!"

In the dim room, he was lying on the floor, his arms outstretched in a strange way. For a moment, you felt as if your heart had stopped beating and the floor was beginning to give way beneath your feet. You rushed to Jake, knowing that if he... If with him...

What is the procedure for providing assistance? Pulse, air access... What else?

You put two fingers to his neck, feeling for a pulse. You sighed - alive! You flung open the window and went back to Jake, yanking open his jacket, almost ripping the lock off.

You put a pillow from the living room under his legs, smeared cold water on his temples with one hand, and held his palm with the other.

"Please, please, come to your senses, be all right", you begged in your mind. And then your hand was squeezed just barely.

"Just don't let me go, please," - you heard a faint voice say. You shuddered.

"You're awake!" in a rush of emotion, you leaned over and touched your lips to his pale cheek. "How are you?"

"Yes, thanks to you," he smiled a little. "My head hurts, but it's better."

Jake sat up slowly and pulled his jacket back around him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing serious. I guess I'm just a little tired."

"Tell me," you frowned. "Have you been sleeping?"

"No. Definitely not for the last three days."

You put your arms around him, pressing his head to your chest.

"Why you're such?.."


You let go of Jake and gave him a stern look. 

"From now on, I'll make sure you go to bed at night."

"How so?" he reached up, still wary, and ran a hand through your hair.

"I... Well I... I'll live with you!"

Jake choked on his breath. He always admired your determination.

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