The Concert

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We waited outside the venue allll day so we could get the best seats in the pit. It was honestly one of the best experiences ever. Although I now have one of the worst sunburns i've ever gotten, the friends I made are worth it.

We met this girl named Dia who I told all about our experience with 5sos this morning. She said that they don't normally treat their fans like that but she's never met them so how would she know?

After the gates open, we all run inside the venue. I swear I saw Cassidy push someone out of her way, we were very competitive to get the best spots possible.

We ended up in front row but towards the right of the stage, right where we think Calum will be standing. After meeting them, I think I might have a think for him, what am I saying? I have a thing for all of them, it would be impossible to choose just one.

We stand there for a few more hours and then they finally come out. I was right in assuming that Cal would be standing in front of me. The come out to a cool intro to Red Desert and take their spots.

Cass and I are screaming at the top of our lungs with everyone else. None of the boys have looked at us yet. They finish Red Desert and take a minute to interact with the crowd.

"How we doing tonight Chicago?" Luke asks all of us. We all reply with a huge scream. "Good good, this next song is called Wildflower, feel free to sing along."

We got to the part in the song where is says "You know you are my fatal fantasy." When Luke and I made eye contact. He then yelled "Sing it pretty girl." and leaned his mic over to sing the rest of the verse.

I looked over at Michael when I finished singing and he was staring at me smiling like a little happy toad. I'd let him hippity hop across my lily pad if you know what I mean.

The rest of the concert went by pretty quickly, we had a blast, and nothing more than a few shared glances happened between the boys and I.

They finally finished singing their final song More and left the stage. "Holy shit that was an experience." Cassidy speaks as we are walking out of the venue.

All of the sudden a security guard comes up to us and looks towards me. "Ma'am 5sos has requested that you come backstage." The man tells me. "Can she come with me?" I ask referring to Cassidy. "Yeah, she can come back as well."

We follow the man to the back of the stage and he leads us down a hallway. He sits us down and tells us he will inform 5sos that we are here.

"Hey maybe i'll finally get my picture with them." Cassidy complains. "Yeah...I don't know why they want to see us again.." I start to go on but am interrupted by them walking into the room.

"Gracie I see you've made it." Michael speaks up. "Yeah yeah, could Cass finally get her photo with you?" I ask for her. "Oh yeah, of course." Ashton responds.

I line them up all cute and snap a quick photo of them. "Thank you guys." Cassidy says to them. "No problem, uhh Grace do you want to come back to our dressing room?" Calum asks me.

"What about Cass?" I ask them. "No it's fine Gracie, enjoy your time." Cassidy says and then walks away. Luke grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"Uhhh could you put me down?" I ask him. "No can do pretty girl, we have to take you to our special spot." Luke responds.


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