Here we go again

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It's been 2 weeks since Cassidy and I decided to track down 5sos. Summer is still as unbothered as she always is, i'm glad I raised such a chill kid.

I'm working on paper work late at night when I get a text message.

Cass- you up?

Me- Yeah what's up?

Cass- I didn't want to tell you right away so you wouldn't panic...

Me- Oh God what did you do?

Cass- I may have bought us tickets to see 5sos this weekend

Me- WHAT?!?


Me- You know what you might have a point

Cass- Albert and Thomas can watch the kids, just bring Summer over here on Saturday morning

Me- okay

I can't believe this is happening, i'm really going to see them again. I've waited a long time for this but i'm still not sure i'm ready. Maybe I should wear a disguise, YES!

I made up my mind i'm wearing a black beanie, sunglasses, a weird blue face mask thing people wear when they are sick, a black tee shirt with a purple flannel, black mom jeans, and some doc martens.


"Come on summer we cant be late." I shout up the stairs to my daughter. She runs down the stairs all dressed and ready to go.

"Where are we going mom?" She asks on the car ride over. "Well you are going to spend the day with your cousin and uncles, I on the other hand am going to see some...old friends."

We arrive at Cassidy's house and I drop off Summer who was more than happy to spend time with her bestie. Cassidy and I are currently driving to the venue.

"You know, all things aside, I still really enjoy their music." She speaks.

"I haven't listened to any of their new stuff, not really interested anymore, plus Summer heard English Love Affair and thought it sounded bad."

"Okay thats it Summer is canceled."

"Did you just cancel my daughter?"

"Yes, yes I did."

We joke around about the kids for the rest of the ride to the venue and then pull in. Sadly, in order to get good seats like last time we had to arrive several hours early.

We bs with the other people waiting outside and one of them joked about how they would carry any member of 5sos's child for free and cass and I were like 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️.

Concert time finally arrived and we headed inside of the venue. We get front row middle this time which would be better if I was going to enjoy the show but I cant help but feel like shitting my pants.

I'm literally so fucking nervous, even though i'm dressed in such a great disguise I know i'm going to have to reveal myself at some point.

5sos comes out and starts doing their show. We are around half way through and so far I don't think any of the boys have thought twice about us.

"You know, I think it's time to reveal yourself." Cassidy shouts over the music.

She's right, it is time, so I pull off my hat, shades, and mask. Luke is the first to notice me, he made eye contact with me and then stuttered on his words. After that he motions to Calum who then sees me for the first time. Michael also sees and they all stop what they are doing. Sadly Ashton doesn't get the memo and keeps drumming through everything till Luke cuts him off.

"Everyone i'm sorry but we have to take a short intermission." Luke announces to the whole arena. After that all 4 of the boys leave the stage.

"Well, you know it could have gone worse." I say to Cassidy.

"Maybe Luke is feeling sick." She suggests.

"Right....I highly doubt that."

I notice a security guard walking up to us. God I have  massive déjà vu right now. "The band has requested you two backstage." He says.

You already know the drill, we follow him backstage and to the dressing rooms. Right when the door opens I am hit with hugs at all angles.

"We missed you so much." Luke cries into my shoulder. I push them off of me. "If you missed me so much why didn't you respond to any of my attempts to contact you?"

"We tried to find you, but there are so many people named Grace." Ashton speaks up.

"And we cant read all of our dm's , theres just so many." Cal adds.

Everything is interrupted when I get a call from Albert.

Me- Hello?

Albert- Gracie, we have a problem

Me- What, what's up, is everything okay?

Albert- It's about Summer-

Me- Albert I swear to God what happened to her?

This whole time everyone has been listening to my conversation, Cassidy looks worried and the boys look like they are trying to piece everything together.

Albert- We were outside playing hide and seek, Summer was the counter, and she never came to find us, we've checked everywhere but we cant find her

Me- I'm on my way right now, don't stop looking

I hang up and look to Cass. "What's going on?" She asks me. "Summers missing." I mutter with tears in my eyes.

I start to head out when Michael puts a hand on my shoulder. "Where are you going pretty girl?" He asks me.

"I'm going to find our daughter."

This does not mean that she is Michaels child, Grace was directing that at all of the boys : - )

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