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Alexander POV

She walked down she looked exceptionally well she looks nice but instead of telling her I just nodded

She came and stood by me I wanted to have a kid a long time ago witch is weird because I'm 24 and no one expects a mafia boss to have a kid but I wAnted one and this house needed a girl maybe it would be good for everyone

We soon were greeted by my brother wife and kids walking through the door my brother and kids came over to me first but his wife no she went straight to iris "hi iris I'm your aunt " she said as she hugged iris

Iris to my surprise hugged her back " hi "she said quietly " oh dear Alexander did you already scare her oh I'm going to kill you " Carmela yelled at me

" no no he did not I'm just really quiet " she said
" ok on but If he does scare you call me ok" Carmela said as she looked at me I just nodded my brother shook my hand then hugged me I hugged him back soon after his kids hugged me well did a hand shake

They looked at iris " dude uncle she kinda looks like you " they said as they walked into the kitchen
We all just Followed them iris was the last one in the kitchen

" so iris what do you do for fun " one of the boys asked well Matteo asked " ummm read build thing fix things stuff like that " and Thai time she was not quite she was at the same level of voice as all of us

" what do you build " atlas asked he was one of my brothers kids "umm weapons I guess engineering " she add " and fix " Theo asked " cars i fix cars " she said as she asked me if she could go to her room

I new she felt uncomfortable so I let her I felt bad for my princess who wouldn't

She turned around and started to walk out

My brother turned to look at me "why did you let her leave I thought I said o wanted to meet her get to know her and the boys were excited "sorin my brother asked

" because I can tell when she is uncomfortable and when she is hurt and when she is mad " I said in a du face

" how she had a straight face she had it blank no emotion " sorin said " she is my daughter sorin not biological but even her being here a sort period of time she can show emotion I don't know how I do it but then again I am a mafia leader "I yelled not to loud not to let her know I was mad but just enough to get my point

Iris POV

I heard I nock on my door expecting Alexander

But no instead it wa the boys

"Hi "I was confused why they would come talk to me " hey umm do you happen to have free time because we have a car we have been trying to fix and it just won't "Theo said "umm ya I can take a look "I got up and follow them through the house

We got the the a " robot room"as they call it they opted door to a Lamborghini  sc18 that was a fairly expensive car " you want me to fix this " I asked " yes if you can so I got everything ready they just sat there in awww of what I was doing but after a few hours I got it working.

" that is pretty talented may I add " Theo said to me " th thanks I'm going to go get ready for dinner or something "I ran out of the room

I few moments later I heard a nock but before I could speak my aunt walked in " tell me the boys did not scare you away " she asked " no no I just needed a minute away I'm sorry did I hurt there feelings?
" I asked worried

" oh no sweetie I just saw you run up the stairs and wanted to see if you were ok that's all " she said as she sat down on my bed " tell me Alexander is treating you right like a princess " " yes he has been quite nice to me " I replied " I will leave you to take a breath " she said as she left

About 2 hours later Alexander came in and told me dinner was ready because t before we could leave the room he spoke "they can be a bit much but try your best to keep your head held high don't let them see the scared ness " he said I nodded my head

We walked down stairs they opened the doors for us but this time at the table it was just family and his second I'm command and his family

I was surprised but like I do ever night for dinner i sat down next Alexander he was at the head of the table and I was in the left of him like always we started to eat until uncle spoke "iris your smart yes you already graduated , yes " he asked almost as a taunt  but like Alexander said they could be a bit much " yes I did it was quite exciting " I said loud  enough so everyone could here but when I said it I did not drop my head I kept it perfectly high just how Alexander told me to the first night here .

Alexander POV

My brother was taunting my daughter on her smarts but instead of just saying yes she looked up right at him kept her head height and said " yes I did I it was quite exciting " and she said it loud to not to loud but perfectly she did not drop her head once while looking at her

After dinner I asked if my brother and his wife would join me for a drink while there kids went out with there friends and iris went to her room

They did we walked into the lounge i pored my brother and me a glass of whisky and his wife a glass of wine we drank and talked soon after his wife went to bed

" you know brother I didn't like you talking to my daughter like that and if you ever do that again I will slit your throat " I said with a chuckle as I left the room

I went to my room but on the way to my room was iris so I looked inside she was sitting on the window seal looking at the city blow her I walked in super quite I saw a skeach book in her hand I sat down next to her she seemed to now but did not move

" you know iris you did a good job today you kept you head highly and my made a point stopping him from saying or asking you anything further " I said " thank you da- I mean Alexander " " good night princess oh and by the way when you are ready you can call me dad I won't care " I said walking out

_________________________________author note

I changed the bed room just because I did not like it as much as I did I when I started so that is at the top umm you can keep the original but ya

Love you all ❤️

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