Part 7

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Tuesday- Day 2

Sometime at 2am

I woke up for the 5th time tonight, why? I feel shaken and cold but I can't sleep at all.

"Tommy" I whispered, "Tommyyyyy"! I whisper yelled again

"What" he groaned and sat up

"Shh, don't wake everyone up" I warned, looking at the sleepy boy

"What's up" he said rubbing his eyes and propping his head up on his hand.

"Can I climb in bed with you? I can't sleep" I'm not shy asking since he's my best friend, and when he nods I climb to the foot of the bed and fall back asleep quickly, the warmth of his body comforting me

"Hey, Aaron, time to get up" Clay said shaking me, though it was faint and I'm not gonna wake up. I don't want to

"That's not how you wake her up" Tommy says, I can hear the wicked grin, "move aside. Tubbo!" He yelled

"Yeah?" He said in a very thick accent

"Operation: wake up Aaron" Tommy said

Suddenly I feel two sets of hands on me; one pair on my torso tickling me and the other poking my sides and a shit tone of yelling

"What the hell" I yell getting up, "fuck you two. You know how much it sucks to be woken up like that" I say flipping both of them off. My sides hurt now

"Sorry Aaron" Tubbo said laughing, "Clay wanted you to get up" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me pulled and out of the room with him and Tommy.

"I'm going to ignore what ever the hell went on in there" Wilbur says and then looks at me, "get ready and then we'll go to the studio room, basically another guest room I renovated to be sound proof and have better acoustics" he smiled and went over to his room

"By sounds proof does he mean that I can yell and scream without getting in trouble?" Tommy asked and Tubbo started laughing

After getting dressed I head to the recording spot with my guitar and Wilbur starts talking and going over things

"We'll start with a song that already has the girls part and then when we can do that I can help write lyrics for a remix" he said and all I did was nod my head.

"Really. Thank you Wilbur, you have no clue how awesome this is" I say, he just laughs and shakes his head.

"It's really no problem, now do you know how to change your high E string to an A?" He asked

I shake my head sheepishly, "I know how I just don't trust myself to get it right" I admit

"Well here" he reaches over and starts explaining everything to me while I pay careful attention

Tommy's POV:

"Hey Tommy? Can we talk?" Clay asks after the two left

"Sure. What's up" I ask, putting down my toast

"Do you- do you want to date my sister?" He asks, stuttering

"What? No. She's my best friend. I wouldn't put that on the line." He looks at me skeptically. "Plus I don't date any women, only the queen" I say and Clay rolls his eyes.

"Well, if you feel like you are gonna ask her out, tell me first" he says

"I have a strict policy on not dating someone until I've know them for a long time" I said but Clay still wasn't at ease, "plus Big D, I don't date Americans"

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