Part 8

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Wednesday - Friday Day 5

The days have been quite boring, Tommy started feeling better; he ended up only having a slight cold from running in the rain with me, which I apologized profusely for.

I've been streaming everyday, using my guitar and trying new styles with the chats feedback. They really are help, I also got more mods so the new hate from Clays post wouldn't get through, Clay also apologized and offered to take down the post but so many people had already retweeted it doesn't matter

However now if one of us posts me and Tom we all turn off comments so that's nice

Today's Friday which means we're going to the carnival and tomorrow we're going to the beach. Tubbo, Tommy, and I are psyched


"Tommy!" I say, getting the blondes attention. He was at the desktop computer continuously working on some sort of code this for college, it's sometimes weird because I'm still a Junior in high school; I live in the US.

"Yeah?" Hey said, titling his head back to look at me standing behind him

"Are you almost done with class, we're leaving soon" i told him, giggling because he was making weird faces at me

"Yeah, I just have to finish this and I'll be done" he smiled, "are you ready to ride some rides and throw up cotton candy?" He said in a voice as if he was a daring and great explorer.

"If we don't I'll be disappointed" I challenge and gave him a small hug before walking away.

"Tubbo!" I yelled walking towards my room where I last saw him

"What" I said with a very thick accent

"Wot" I mocked

"Don't do that again" me said laughing

"Oops, what're you doing" I ask, sitting on the bed and grabbing a fidget cube Wilbur had given to me

"Not much, just scrolling through Twitter; these edits of you and Tommy are ridiculous" he laughed and showed me one that someone had made from our streams.

"Wow" is all I said, smiling and leaning back in my chair, "I blame Clay" that first post he made about us really started all of it

"Well I mean" Toby said drawing out the n,

"You mean what? Don't tell me you're about to go on about 'you both make a great pair' or 'you act like a couple' because I just got out of a long term relationship and I'm not ready for a new one" I ranted

"Well, I see your point" he said pursing his lips and put his hands together, "but I was gonna say that the internet is crazy and they ship anyone" he started smiling as I started feeling humiliated, "but it's good to know what page you're on" he said and smirks, raising his eyebrows like a doof

"What does that mean!" I say he doesn't answer and continues to act like he didn't hear me, "Toby, I swear, I will kick your ass"

He pulled out his phone instead so I tackled him to the ground, both of us laughing


"Children!" Wilbur called for us, he and Clay had told everyone to get dressed; I was in a hoodie with a t-shirt and leggings

"Yeah?" We all called, running down the stairs sounding like a herd of hippos

"Get in the car! We're leaving" Clay called and we all ran outside, it was cloudy but looked like a good day, since we were in the UK.

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