Golden Chamber : Prizes

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1. Best Title
2. Best Cover
3. Best Blurb
4. Best Opening Chapter
5. Best Relationship Tropes
6. Best Friendship
7. Best Dialogues
8. Best Protagonist
9. Best Antagonist
10. Best Supporting Character

The Three Quills

❦︎. Participants who qualify for a round receive a badge of honor.

❦︎. A third-place sticker and shout-out.
❦︎. Book gets added to a Bronze Pen reading list, featured on the TTQ account.

❦︎. A second-place sticker and shout-out.
❦︎. Book gets added to a Silver Pen reading list, featured on the TTQ account.
❦︎. Receives Moodboards/Character Aesthetics, free of charge.

❦︎. A first-place sticker and shout-out.
❦︎. A follow from Trinity HAL
❦︎. Book gets added to a Golden Pen reading list, an exclusive book review, featured on our accounts.
❦︎. Receives Moodboards/Character Aesthetics, and Cover or Trailer free of charge.

 Receives Moodboards/Character Aesthetics, and Cover or Trailer free of charge

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