17: Letter to the Cassanova

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As storm arrives,
I drench and kept my hands tied
starting to feel on my back the knives,
stab by the man that I claim is mine.

Whom I once thought was my silver lining,
as it turns into a lightning
putting my bone in to chilling,
as my body stop feeling things.

Then it starts to get numb,
And you look down to me from the above
In a sudden blink I did from being stuck,
You just wooshed away 
Like thee didn't done something dumb.

Cause' that's what you always did,
barge in my life and start chaos
acting all distant such an immature kid,
thee now roam around for a new location,
as you spotted your new victim
now you're on your new destination.


3ll3.R.- 09.19.01. 🔒

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