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"So I think we're gonna go to the beach." I hear Jeremy say when I walk out my room. I couldn't help but think about the dream from last night.

"That sounds like fun." I smile towards him. Everyone looked at me with big smiles.

"Eren, are you sure you can go with your sunburn?" Savannah asked.

I nodded as I showed her my arms. They weren't as red as before. I sit at the kitchen table with Booboo.

Us four were the only ones up. I'm not surprised they're not up yet. "We should get paddle boards." Booboo suggested.

"I'm so down." Jeremy agreed. "I've always wanted to try it." Now we look at Savannah. "I can't keep balance for shit." She laughed.

"But you can dance?" Jeremy asked confused. "Shut up." She laughed a long with us. "Well let's get ready for the beach."

We all split up to get ready. I put on a black bikini and put on shorts with a large Hawaiian shirt. I left it unbutton as I get everything ready.

Fifteen minutes later, we're walking towards the elevator. "Did anyone tell Charlie and Owen we were leaving?" Jeremy asked.

We all shook our heads no as we shrug. They'll know where we went. We walk on the beach and I couldn't wait to get in.

"You two find us a spot. We're gonna go rent a few paddle boards." Booboo tells us. It took me and Sav a few minutes to find a spot.

But once we did, we laid everything out. It was a nice day outside. It was super sunny and hot. There wasn't any clouds in the sky.

The boys came back with three paddle boards in their arms. Before us three went into the water, we put sunscreen on.

We took our paddle boards and ran into the water. "It's freezing!" I yell. They were a lot farther out than I was.

Once I was deep enough, I jumped onto the board. I looked over to see Booboo already standing up.

I was sitting on it with my legs wrapped on either side. I looked over and Jeremy stood up easily.

"How do you get on this thing?" I ask to no one in particular. "Just stand up but slowly." Booboo advised.

I do what he says, and I slowly stand up. Before I know it, I'm underneath the cold salty water.

When I swim back up to the surface, the two boys are laughing at me. "Oh fuck off." I laugh as I get back on the board.

"Don't rush into it, Eren. Take your time." Jeremy eased. I took a deep breath and stood up on the board.

I was a little wobbly at first, but I ended up staying on. I couldn't help but smile as I started to paddle.

I got closer to the boys and we all started paddling together. Before we knew it, we were joined by Charlie and Owen.

My breath caught in my throat when I looked at Owen. He was wearing white swimming trunks that had pineapples on them.

He has sunglasses on with his hair in a bun. All I'm thinking about is the dream I had last night.

"You alright, Eren? You look like you've seen a ghost." Charlie asked walking towards me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. Sorry." I apologize. They get over to us but stay in the water. Owen comes over to me and looks up.

We talk for a minute and then I hear a gasp. I snap my head in the direction. "Is that a whale?" I heard Charlie ask.

He was pointing his finger behind us as I looked. I really tried to look but I couldn't see anything.

Before I knew it, I was under the water again. Right when I actually stood up too. When I surfaced, Owen was the nearest to me.

They were laughing their asses off as I fixed my hair. "You're the one that pushed me, didn't you?" I ask Owen.

He smugly shrugged as he chuckled a little. "You're such an asshole." I joke with him. I splash water on him as he looks ashamed.

"Did you really just do that?" He smirked towards me. "You got a problem?" I go a long with it.

"Yeah. And you're gonna pay." Before I could say anything, Owen was splashing me in the face. We ended up having a splash battle for five minutes.

But sadly Jeremy had to break us up. I swear we were like children and Jeremy is like all of our dads.

"Charlie you can get on if you want. I'm gonna keep Sav company." I tell the boys. I feel like I've barely had any girl time yet.

When I walk over to her, she was laying out in the sun. I sat underneath the umbrella so I wouldn't get burnt any worse.

"How was the paddle boards?" She asked looking at me. She was laying on her stomach but her face was towards me.

"It was really fun. Owen and Charlie ended up pushing me off." I laugh as she does the same. "They're so violent." She laughed.

We then sit there for a moment. "If I tell you something, can you keep it?" I ask worriedly. She sits up to look at me.

"What's up?" She keeps her sunglasses on to look at me. "You know about the dream I had last night?" I ask her.

She nods her head. "It was about Owen." She drops her jaw as she gasps. "What happened?" She asks.

I explain to her everything that happened in my dream as she listened. When I finish I took a deep breath.

She takes everything in as she thinks. "You think you could be gaining your feelings back for Owen?" I was taken aback.

I violently shake my head. "No. Remember I have a boyfriend back home that I love?" I ask her. She looks at me like she knows something.

"You have a boyfriend back home and you're dreaming about the guy you liked three years ago. The same guy who's on vacation with you."

She did make some good points. "Plus, you had an intimate moment with Owen on the balcony yesterday."

I opened my mouth to speak but she stops me before I could say anything. "Don't deny it either because we all saw it happen." I purse my lips as I look away.

I look at the boys to see them all standing on the paddle boards. Owen and Charlie were sharing one.

"I don't even know what I'm feeling right now." I shyly whisper. She looks at me softly as she smiles.

"It's not a bad thing. Owen was big part of your life." She was right. But Kyle was too. He was there for me for my lowest moment.

I didn't wanna hurt either one. "Just think about what you want and give it time. I'm sure either one would understand." I nod.

"Who will understand what?" Booboo asked coming to us. He grabbed a water from a cooler. I look at Savannah who's already looking at me.

"We'll tell you later when we're in private." I trust Booboo won't say anything to him. I would trust Charlie too.

But ever since I heard them talking at the sleepover, I don't know what his intentions are. Booboo nods his head.

I look back at the boys to see them laughing and having a good time. Charlie then turns to Owen and pushes him off.

Owen falls off the board and lands in the water. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

This trip will be interesting.

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