Make up or break up

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So none of yous wanted a divorce and I'm kinda disappointed, I was going to put them back together but oh well. I just didn't wanted them to make up to quick but you all want them to.

Merediths POV:
We were about to leave the hospital when caitlyn whispered something.

"What?" I asked.

"Erm nothing mom" she stuttered.

"Dada" Ellie said.

"No Ellie dada is in Seattle" I kissed her cheek, then my face dropped.

"Derek?" I said.

He saw me and ran over. "Meredith omg baby" he tried to hug me but I pushed him off.

"Mer come on, let me explain"

"No Derek not right now, not in front of everyone" I said.

Freya came over "oh is this the lucky guy? Hi im Dr Freya Miller"

"Derek shepherd" he said shaking her hand. He turned back to me "Mer can we talk please" he begged.

"I feel this is a bad time, I'm going to go. It was nice to meet you Derek" Freya said.

"Do you want me to take caitlyn and Ellie home?" Jess asked.

I looked at Derek not really wanting to talk to him, but his sad eyes I couldn't say no "sure, I'll see you later"

"Mom are you sure?" Caitlyn whispered to me.

I nodded my head and watched them all walk out.

"So where do you want to talk?" He asked.

"Erm, follow me"

I took him down to the basement where I used to hang around with all the other inters when I worked here. We arrived and there was a bunch of new interns sitting there.

"Move" I said.

"Ma'am you aren't aloud down here, it's for hospital staff only" one of them said.

"I used to work here, now move!" I repeated myself.

"No" one of the guys tried acting tuff.

"Dude that's Meredith grey, the chief always talks about her" one of them whispered.

I crossed me arms "are you Meredith grey" the guy asks.

"Yeah I am, now move"

They all ran away and I sat down.

"So you wanted to explain" I raised my eyebrow.

"Mer she kissed me honestly, I would never cheat on you I love you so much and respect you to much to ever do that to you. I love you and our little family and I can't imagine my life without you. Please forgive me and come home. I need you please" he begged.

I don't want to forgive him but seeing him like this is kinda killing me. He looks like he's not slept.

"How long have you been at the hospital waiting for me?" I asked.

"I've been sitting in the lobby for 8 hours, hoping you were here" he looked at the floor.

"Derek look at me"

He looked up "I love you too, but you know I have trust issues. What you did is unforgivable" I paused "but I'm willing to try, because I don't want to break up our perfect family, I don't want Ellie to grow up like me with no dad, and I don't want to drag you away from caitlyn because your the only father figure she's ever had, and I have news" I said.

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