Thand Neled

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(A/N) Look at this beautiful commission I got of Cefrey from my wonderful friend 'jentaculargums' on tumblr. go show her some love!!!

Part Three

3,057 words (always excludes authors notes)

The next day consisted of mostly walking and only resting at nightfall. The hobbits, especially Pippin, were very distraught at this fact, having been raised on many more meals throughout the day other than breakfast and dinner. Cefrey could not blame the young lads as she also found herself craving another meal after many hours of hiking up and down hills, across streams, and through dense woods.

They were trekking up one of those hills when Cefrey decided to finally ask what was on everyone's minds. No one had asked before as they were all preoccupied with getting as far away from the Nazgul as possible.

She moved a little faster to catch up to Strider -- he truly lived up to the name, his legs were long and his resolve unwavering when it came to covering as much ground as they could. "So, where exactly are you taking us?"

"Into the wild." Was his only answer.

She could have guessed that his response would be something as vague as that, and yet she still felt her eyes roll at his comment. Without changing her pace, Cefrey stayed walking next to the ranger, intent on figuring out what his plan was.

"You could at least specify a bit more than that, Strider." The way she spoke his name was one of suspicion and speculation that his true name was more than the title the townsfolk gifted him.

The ranger lifted a brow at her statement, her words and attitude amusing him. "Well, if you truly must know, we are going to Rivendell, land of the elves."

As Cefrey smiled the hobbits behind her began whispering quite loudly. Sam was very excited to go see the elves while the others were still a little wary of the true meaning their guide held. The mage was fairly happy to learn they were going to Rivendell. It was, in fact, one of her favorite places to visit, and she would at every chance she got. Which, unfortunately, wasn't very many. Cefrey was indeed quite busy most of the time. At least, busy in her terms.

The sun began to set more and the ranger knew it was time to settle down for the night. He told the hobbits to make camp and rest under the large trees surrounding them while he kept watch. Cefrey helped her companions settle down and watched them fondly as they fell asleep after eating. She had grown to care for the four halflings quite a bit after the short time she spent with them. They reminded the sorceress of herself in some ways. So carefree and quaint, and yet they were able to carry such a burden without so much of a single complaint.

Strider had noticed the woman's sudden perk up when he mentioned the elven city and wondered if she was more than she appeared. He knew that she was unlike the race of men, but what exactly made her that way?

"Miss Cefrey, have you been to Rivendell before?"

Her smile widened even more at the question. However, that action made her confused. She hated being asked questions, so why was she so keen on answering his? She shook off that thought and chose to indulge the man beside her.

"Yes, I have been to Rivendell, on many occasions, actually. It's quite the wondrous place to be. So many books to read!" She twirled on her feet, a few stray locks of dark golden hair swaying in the wind before she sat down next to the ranger on a small boulder, her green eyes sparkling both with joy and the moon's light.

She sighed longingly, thinking about the many hours, sometimes even days, she would spend in the libraries of Lord Elrond. Her expression saddened. She had not visited the elves there in many years. Her days had been occupied by many things. Though, now that she thought about it, what had she been doing during those years? Collecting herbs and flowers, experimenting with her powers, writing and reading any and every book she found. She hadn't led a very eventful life. At least, before this little adventure she was a part of.

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