Thand Leben

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Part Five

3,329 words

(artwork by @/sleazy-art on tumblr!!!!!)


That feeling of helplessness, of fear of the unknown made its way into Cefrey’s heart like a hot knife shredding her insides. She ran alongside Strider, in his arms the small hobbit gasping for breath. She saw the darkness slowly consuming him, if they did not reach the elves in time, he would not survive. 

They made it to the trees where the ranger set Frodo down, his head resting against a mossy stone. Sam crouched next to him, his face filled with worry, as were all of theirs. Cefrey turned to Strider, fear evident in her eyes. 

“If we do not get him to Rivendell now, he will pass.” Her voice held conviction underneath the fear.

Strider nodded solemnly. “I agree. Sam!” The Nazguls shrill screams could be heard getting closer, they had to move. “Do you know the Athelas plant?”

She knew what he was trying to do, but it would not save Frodo for the six day journey to Imladris on foot. Grabbing the ranger’s arm tightly, Cefrey spoke in a low voice, “There is no time, I will bring him myself, you will catch up with me.”

His eyes widened, and Cefrey knew he would try to stop her. “The wraiths will catch you before you even get close to the elves.”

The mage smirked. “Do you really have so little faith in me?” 

Calling out to the wild, Cefrey reached out, using one of the many techniques Gandalf taught her during their many years traveling. Out of the woods, a stark black horse appeared, its eyes a striking white, like the stars in a night sky. Mornië. The horse walked up to the group, its head held high, black mane moving in the light breeze. 

Cefrey looked back at Strider, waiting for him to rebuke her once again. “I am stronger than you think.” 

She heaved herself onto the horse’s back while the ranger picked up the frail hobbit and placed him in front of her. He placed a hand on its neck, staring into the mare’s eyes before looking back up at Cefrey, “Ride hard. Do not let them catch you.”

Urging Mornië to ride fast and true, they sprinted through the trees, jumping over stones and fallen branches. She could sense the black riders getting closer along with Frodo slipping further into their grasp. They would not take him. Not if she was there. Keeping a hand tight around the halfling’s small body and another on the steed, Cefrey closed her eyes, her trust in Mornië to get them to Imladris swiftly was true. Muttering faint phrases under breath, the mage’s hand glowed with a white light, enveloping the hobbit, protecting him. She knew it would drain her and she knew it was risky, especially just after fighting the Nazgul, but she also knew that the darkness would consume him if she did nothing. 

Mornië rode faster, the sound of hooves becoming louder behind them. Cefrey felt her body slump with strain, but she fought it; she had to stay awake, the shrieks no longer in the distance solidified that thought. The mage kept her hand on Frodo, shielding him from the darkness and dug her heels into the horse’s sides. Even still, three black riders caught up to her as the sun rose once again, her eyes narrowed, heart hammered in her chest. She couldn’t fend them off and protect Frodo… Cefrey raised her head. But she would damn well try. 

Gripping Frodo tighter to her chest, the sorceress mumbled a few words under her breath before lifting a hand into the air and blinding the riders with pale white light like she had before, it seemed to hurt them the most. The Nazgul screeched but continued their pursuit, albeit further behind than they were before. Cefrey felt her breath grow heavy, she was losing focus. Her steed continued even faster, allowing them to gain even more distance as she caught her breath. They were nearing a shallow stream, the hooves of the horse creating waves in the water, wetting her boots and face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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