Chapter 47

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     Listen to this while reading, it has been a while since I have put a song! "Perfect," Ed Sheeran :)


This border should be a hint, hint of the chapter! ^^

     "Ready," I asked Andy.

     Andy took a deep breath, "Yes, I'm ready."

     Today was the day, Andy would tell Ted that she was pregnant. She has been holding back for few weeks and she now had a slight baby bump but it wasn't visible after she puts on her uniform. A new quidditch match is coming up, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, I'm nervous and excited at the same time. 

     "Can we go over the plan again," Andy said freaking out.

     "You will be fine," I said giving her a side hug.

     "Please," Andy begged.

     "Alright fine, I bring Ted to the kitchens and once both of you are inside, I have to guard the door until you both come out and if Ted only comes out then I get to beat him up," I said adding in the last part smirking.

     "Beat him up, no you will not do that," Andy scolded.

     "No one hurts my sister," I said defensively. 

     Andy smiled, "Okay now go get him!"

     "Alright fine, you set everything up," I said. 

     Andy nodded as I went into the Great Hall, that was the last place I saw Ted.

     I went to the Hufflepuff table but didn't see Ted, I saw his friend Amos Diggory though, " Hey Diggory, have you seen Ted?"

     "He went back to our common room," Amos answered politely.

     I groaned and headed to the Hufflepuff common room, the thing is, I have no idea where it is besides it being near the kitchens.

     "You look like you need help," Applebee said, I forgot his first name, I remember him from the Quidditch match.

     "Uh, yes, I'm looking for Ted Tonks," I said hoping for an answer.

     "Oh he just headed to the library," Applebee said smiling.

     You have got to be kidding me, is this a wild goose chase.

     "Madame Pince, have you seen Ted Tonks," I asked politely.

     "Yes, he just returned a ripped-up book," Madame Pince spat.

     "Oh um...thanks for the information," I said and rushed out of the library.

     I stomped down the hall, I was going to drag Ted by the ear to the kitchens if I had to. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone.

     "You look...out of breath and hot," Sirius said smirking.

     "Leave me alone and go call your boyfriend hot," I said rolling my eyes angrily.

      "Boyfriend, I don't have a boyfriend," Sirius said confused.

     "Oh yeah then who is Remus to you, people don't just go around kissing their best friends," I said jealousy.

𝘈𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now