Chapter 63

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     "Do you think she is trying to kill us," James whispered.

     "Definitely," Remus said slumping on James.

     I narrowed my eyes at them, "You guys are the ones that told me to train you! Stop whining!"

     "Can't we just get a break," Peter asked nervously.

     I sighed, "Peter go run on lap around Camp. Don't complain, do 100 daily."

     "Can I talk someone with me," he squeaked.

     I thought for a moment. Sirius was getting on my nerves so mind as well get rid of him for now, "Sirius go with Peter!"

     "What why! I need to stay here so I can impress you with my skills," Sirius yelled picking up a throwing knife and aiming towards the spot.

     It missed completely.

     "Impress," I asked.

     "Fine I'll go," Sirius said sadly following behind Peter who got a bit of a head start.

     Peter had woken up from his nap and didn't know what he was training for but went along with it. He seems very off.

     "We finished our 10 laps. I didn't know I was this out of shape until now," Mars said appearing in front of me out of breath.

     Mary, Lily, Alice, and Annie behind her. Annie had decided to help me train the girl by doing laps with them which wasn't a big help. She did motivate them to keep going and gave them tips on how to build up their stamina.

      Percy was teaching Regulus, Gideon and Fabian how to use a sword. They had made a lot of progress.

      "Alright great! I started teaching Lily how to use a bow and arrow before so hope you have been practicing," I said looking at her.

     Lily smiled proudly, "I'm almost as good as you!"

     "That's great, Annie could you and Lily start practicing since she is a bit ahead," I asked.

     "Sure, let's go Lily," Annie said leading her away, they had grown a sisterly bond and made me so happy.

     "What about us," James asked pointing at himself and Remus.

      "I'm having my dear friend Clarisse La Rue deal with that," I said smirking.

      Clarisse didn't know anything about me being a witch but willing to train them only so she can torture them.

     "Why does she sound scary," Remus asked looking around.

     "Daughter of Aries," I said shrugging.

     "So these are the kids. Very scrawny," Clarisse said looping an arm around my shoulder and doing a once over of James and Remus.

     "Agreed," I said nodding.

     "Rude," James muttered.

     "What was that, can't hear you. Also wasn't I supposed to get 4 to torture-I mean train," she said innocently.

     "T-torture," Remus stuttered.

     "She was kidding," I said forcing her to nod.

     "So about the other 2 that are late for their class," Clarisse said annoyed.

     "Peter and Sirius are doing one more lap around camp since they were annoying me," I said, "They should be back in 10 minutes!"

     "Good, let's get started on you 2, we will be physically fighting because during the war since we might lose our weapons. Then we will move on to knives," Clarisse told them with a smirk of amusement. 

𝘈𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now