Father Crow

13 2 1

tw: descriptions of explosions, descriptions of injury, violence, threat, death, language

"Why'd you run off, Techno? Thought you were gonna finish it." Dream questioned, totally dodging the pig-man's question. Techno rolled his eyes, pulling out the wither skulls from his inventory. He grinned as Dream noticeable stiffened.
"I am. I just had a loose end to tie up first. But now I can prove you wrong." Techno smiled. Dream seemed to pause, his hands folding up in his pockets. "Excuse me?"

"Never thought I'd see you bowing to Tommy Innit." Techno raised his voice, clearly mimicking him. "Thought you were anti-government."
Dream chuckled inwardly, holding a hand out to point at the skulls. "I take it you're gonna use withers to destroy L'manberg then." He asked. Techno raised his brow.
"I'm counting on Wilbur to destroy the land, all I'm doing is clean-up." He informed the man in green. Techno turned, starting to make his way over to the plateau.
"Hang on." Dream stopped him. "How'd you know about the TNT?"

Techno half turned to him, his earrings jingling quietly against each other. He smiled, even knowing Dream couldn't see it.
"My brother told me about it. Gave me a chance to set this all up." He explained briefly. "I'm finishing this, today."
As he began his walk forward again, Dream coughed behind him. Technoblade audibly groaned aloud, growing impatient now.
"What? What other questions do you have to keep stalling me with?" He asked, his voice laced with aggression. He turned on his hoof to look at the man in green. Dream seemed to find his annoyance funny, giggling quietly to himself. He stopped eventually, holding a hand out to Techno.

"Where's Rain?" He asked bluntly. "Where's your little sister, Technoblade?"
Techno narrowed his eyes, grimacing and whipping back around.
"That's for me to know and you to drop. My sister is safe, she'll be leaving with me once I'm finished up here." Techno didn't take any further questions and instead made his way over to the plateau, taking out the buckets of soul sand. The dusty substance wailed and cried as he poured it out into two medium-sized piles. Emptying the buckets completely, he stacked them and put them back in his inventory, closing it. He put the skulls in a small bag strapped to his thigh.
Not yet.
After the explosion.

Techno pulled out his crossbow, fitting a firework into it and pulling back the mechanism. He whipped around, seeing Tubbo being the closest person to him.
He let the firework fly.

The boy exploded on the spot, sparks of red, white and blue lighting up the area along with fire and the smell of burning flesh. White smoke rose up from where Tubbo had been standing a moment before, signalling a death. Not a canon death, though. Shouts of surprise and shock appeared behind him as Technoblade spun around, facing the horrified looks from his former comrades. He brushed the firework sparks from his shoulders, cracking his neck.
Today's gonna be a long day...

Techno felt his blood freeze as a shadow swooped over, recognising it immediately as Philza. The winged man gave Techno a nod as he passed, vanishing over the podium as his wings carried him higher.
He's going to try and stop Wilbur-
The crowd around the pig-man briefly paused to gasp and shout about Phil before turning back to him. Techno stole himself, ignoring Phil and looking back at the L'manburgians with bloodlust beginning to rush to his eyes. Tommy came forward, sword in hand.

"No. You listen to me. You guys listen to me!" Techno spat. He loaded up another firework. "I did not spend a full week...planning this revolution...giving you guys gear...for you guys to go in and replace one tyrant with another!"
Techno raised his crossbow, his target being the entirety of the people he had fought beside.
The people who still wore the armour he made.
The hypocrisy of it all.
It was sickening.

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