Ship headcanon #2 : Fluffynight

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Nightmare becomes a huge softie whenever Ccino is around, but goes back to being the 'big evil mean god of negativity that'll haunt your nightmares forever and will kill you on first glance' as soon as Ccino is out of sight.

Nightmare wasn't always such a softie, but he became one soon after him and Ccino got together.

Even though Nightmare puts up his big, ahem, 'big evil mean god of negativity that'll haunt your nightmares forever and will kill you on first glance' persona whenever Ccino is not around, he is still a big softie, big enough of  a softie that Dream can quite easily tell that he's not been as mean to most people as he used to be ever since he got together with Ccino. 

Their relationship would most likely be somewhat secret, but of course, Dream finds out almost immediately, he is quite alright with Ccino dating Nightmare as long as Nightmare doesn't hurt em' in any way (Physically, and or mentally, unless he has an extremely good reason to, aka if Ccino was being a big bully to Dadmare and or his kiddos, the gang. Be nice to everyone, kids, you have no idea what most people might be going though).


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